Monday, July 24, 2017


  Say hello to Zoey!  I worked in the shop in Cooperstown yesterday from 10-5 and about 4:30 I called Jeff to see if he'd like to go to Denny's for supper.  He told me that Linda, Doug's daughter and the dog breeder, had called and we needed to go to her place in Hinckley and pick up our puppy.   All the

pups but 2 had been picked up and she was
going to be out of town for a couple of days this week so we should come up asap.  I got home by 6pm and the 3 of us headed to Hinckley.  Since it's like driving to Speculator for the first 14 miles I was on auto-pilot and we made good time.
  Jeff and I discussed who would name the puppy but he couldn't come up with a name so I insisted on Zoey.  When we got to Linda's, the puppy's father, a nice beagle,  met us in the yard and we became friends.  After a couple of good head scratches that he deserved, we became good friends.  Fanny still wasn't sure exactly what Zoey was...still isn't...but she didn't have any major objections so we got back into the car and headed for home. 
  With Jeff driving and me cuddling the puppy, Fanny sat in the back seat like Queen Victoria occasionally coming forward to see what was making all that noise!  I ended up grabbing a cardboard box from the backseat and putting the towel I had on my lap into it.  The box was about 10x5x5" and the puppy fit into perfectly!  Once she felt secure she decided to take a nap and slept most of the way home.  And that was a good thing because Jeff took some backroads that were suppose to be short cuts but missed a turn somewhere and we got lost between Poland and Middleville, up in the hills, for about 45 minutes.  We finally found our way back to the road we were looking for and made it to Herkimer.  After a quick stop at Arby's where Zoey woke up and made a hit with all the staff at the drive thru window, we got home around 9pm.  I managed to drop one of our sodas and the bag of sandwiches when we got out of the car.  I saved the ice to Jeff's drink but lost his diet Dr. Pepper (we had more inside) and lost most of my curly fries.  Jeff, Fanny and I ate our supper while Zoey checked out the house.  Then Jeff went to Walmart and bought Zoey a dog bed, collar and leash.  She spent the night under his computer table...with Fanny sleeping on the floor next to her.

   This morning Fanny helped Zoey discovered the comfort of Jeff's bed...with a little help for me.  Fanny follows the puppy around the house like a nanny!  We know where the pup is at all times because Fanny is usually standing in front of that piece of furniture!  Fanny stayed with Zoey until about 6am when she

finally went out to pee and came to bed with me. 
   That little dog can sure climb!  I just found her standing on my
footstool on top of my knitting patterns.  And Fanny found her on top of the yarn stash (covered by the afghan)

chewing on one of Fanny's toys. It won't be long before she can get on the beds alone!  I think it's about nap time but I'm not sure for who
Zoey, Fanny or me!

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