Saturday, July 8, 2017

Small Favors

   Another rainy day but today I didn't wake up to the gentle patter of raindrops on the leaves outside my windows.  Fanny had a very restless night and kept changing beds, walking thru the house.  Ever hear the click click of doggie nails on hardwood floors?  Not a nice sound to wake up to.  Throw in a couple of rolls of thunder and a fast scramble back to safety?  There's that hesitation before the jump up onto the bed and if it's your bed, the bounce as the 89 lb. dog lands next to you, walks in a circle 3 or 4 times and throws herself down against your back or leg. Add to it the heat and humidity of last night and no one got a good night's sleep here in the little house in the little woods.  Maybe today I will get that long promised afternoon nap...but I doubt it.  At least my other major obsession...mowing the beyond my grasp today.  Small favors....
  Around noon the sky turned blue and the sun came out so I decided it was time to take a chance and head for WalMart.   That baby doll I'm knitting needs a nappy...remember it's an English pattern...and I don't really want to take the time to knit one.  I thought maybe a cute flannel print cut into shape would work just as well.  Should have know not to expect much from WalMart.  Ended up with some
this is what the doll looks like so far
polka dot Waverly cotton  fabric that will work.  Got a fat quarter of and pink...and I'll wash and dry it before cutting it into a triangle and hemming it.  I think I'll still knit the a baseball hat , the other a flower hat.  I don't want to get too fancy with these dolls because then the price will have to go up and who knows if they will sell?  I'm just doing boy, one see how they go.  This is what it looks like so one leg ready for the foot.  Don't know if I want to put any hair on it or not.  What do you think?
   Jeff got the fixing for some gourmet catfish bait today, too.  The 'cheapest' hotdogs, a box of strawberry Jello and a couple of tablespoons of garlic powder marinated in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.  Then he has to thread the pieces of hotdog onto fish line that hangs from his hook.  He saw it online and it's suppose to get you the biggest catfish you ever hooked.  He's hoping for some 10-20lbers out of the river.  We'll see.  I promise if he comes home with a big one I'll post the photos on Facebook and on the blog.
   By the time we came out of WalMart the blue sky had been replaced with black clouds and it was pouring again.  Got soaked running to the car...and we park in the handicapped spaces close to the building!  Had to make a stop for Jeff and then we went back to McD's for some cold drinks.  All sizes are only $1 there so Jeff had to have a diet Coke instead of his favorite diet Dr. Pepper that he has at Arby's.  The last time we stopped for just drinks at Arby's it cost nearly $5!  He can drink diet Coke once in awhile!
  Oh, oh, it's thundering again!  Fanny just ran back into Jeff's room for protection!!

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