Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Training Zoey...Day 2

   Day 2 with Zoey and the training goes on.  Jeff has put her doggie bed under his computer table and she gets leashed in at night (the leash is tied to a leg of the table and clipped to her collar) giving her the length of leashed to move around with.  Two rooms of the house are blocked off to her during the day but she still manages to go over the screens or knock them down  plowing thru!  Fanny is running along behind her trying to keep up until Zoey ducks under some piece of furniture and since Fanny's not a 'scent hunter' she can lose her for a few seconds.
   Zoey is a great climber!  She can get on the couch easily...and has no fear of jumping off...using the covered yarn stash basket for assistance.  She also enjoys napping in the yarn basket!  Fanny's chair here next to my computer is proving more of a challenge to her.  She  can just reach the seat by stretching but still needs a boost to get up into it.  This morning she discovered there is a pillow under my computer table, visiting it several times.  Her favorite daytime nap spot remains a cardboard box with a nice thick bath towel in it.  This one...about 10x15"...probably came with yarn in it.  Anyway, she likes to chew on the sides before dozing off.  It's a very portable crib.  Right now it's on the floor next to the pillow under the computer table with Zoey asleep in it.  Fanny is asleep on the other side of the box on the floor.  Last night when Zoey went to bed in Jeff's room Fanny stayed with her for a couple of hours then came to my room.  I guess she needed time away from Zoey, too.
  It's been hit or miss with house training.  We have 'pee pads'  in several rooms and Zoey hits or misses them...I think by accident.  I don't think she gets that part of life yet.  After all, she's only 8 weeks and 3 days old!
   I had asked Jeff to build a play pen out of PVC pipes...we have a lot of various lengths in the garage and greenhouse not being used this year...but he won't listen.  It would be a great way to contain Zoey instead of having Fanny and me follow her around all day.  Maybe I could even get some knitting done!  (If the idea doesn't come from him he doesn't act on it.)
We both don't like 'crate training' a dog but I'm not a fan of leashing her at night either.  I seem to be giving the larger share of care for Zoey right now but we'll see how it goes later this week.  I have to go to the shop to restock for Induction Weekend...if I ever get anything finished, that is...and Jeff will have to care for Zoey during the day. That might be a real eye opener for him!  In the meantime, my floors have never been cleaner!

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