Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How do you like your new PC?

   My new HP PC arrived on Friday and Jeff got it up and running on Sunday while I was at the shop in Cooperstown.  When he plugged in the old monitor, nothing happened so he dug out one of the older HP monitors his sister had given him when she replaced her PC's.  Seems my trouble all along was the monitor.  It had died, not my PC.  $398 because of a spent monitor.  Oh, well.  Yesterday while trying to wipe the old PC Jeff discovered that I had less than 1 byte of memory left available on it.  That got me a lecture on discarding emails and other nonessential junk.  Anyway, my old PC is now wrapped in the packing material/box the new one had arrived in and stored away 'in case of an emergency'.  With the limited memory left on it, the timing was right for a new one and I got a good deal.  Unexpected but a good deal nonetheless. I don't think I can take many more 'good' deals like this.

   Sunday in the shop was slow and I didn't knit 1 stitch.  Gave my hands a good rest...boy, did they need it, too!  My next scheduled day to work is June 11th and I want to get an ordered sweater and a pin-stripe (both size 4, hoodies) finished by then.  Then I have just over a week to do something to fill in the spaces before my next workday (June 21).  My summer vacation starts then!  No scheduled work days for 6 weeks...but I will restock if and as necessary!

   Maggie stopped by last week.  Brought me some of her delicious jam and some plants from her garden.  I want to restart the flower bed by the driveway...just got to get the energy!!

   Got an appointment for a bone density test today before my upcoming annual endocrinology exam the week after.  I really hope they find something wrong with my thyroid!  I am so tired...10 hrs sleep isn't enough and although I am taking a variety of vitamins (B,C,D, and Iron) I am still anemic.  After my initial problem with my thyroid (cysts that were caused by the radiation treatments for Hodgkin's Disease) back in the mid 80's, a part of one lobe was removed.  That endocrinologist forecast more trouble and said it was his opinion I'd end up losing the entire thyroid eventually.  I think 'eventually' may finally have arrived.  He also said it wasn't anything to fear.  Synthroid would take care of it and I would be better off.  I just want to know why they've waited over 30 years. 

  I've been asked that question (how do you like your new HP?) so often since Sunday and my answer isn't very nice.  I don't.  Not really.  Not yet.  I had 'shortcuts' with my old HP that I liked and used that are missing with this one.  I'm sure I'll develop them with it but in the meantime, I'm a little lost...and a lot slower...with the new PC.  I have to adjust the focus on new pages and the size of the font...nothing terrible or difficult just time consuming...when I open a new site.  (Jeff says it's my eyes, not the PC and I should go to the eye doctor or get new reading glassed.)  I also have a basic fault with the new PC...with every update Microsoft puts out...WHY??  What was wrong with the old one?  The original one?  Oh, well, I'll get use to it eventually, I guess.  I hope.

Oh, I just discovered this new font and I like it!!  Something good at last!