Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays! And another year nears its end. Boy, have we been busy this year! The garden has taken up a lot of time and energy and we've really enjoyed it. Things didn't start too well with Jeff's hospital stay but so far, it's a distant memory. He's got many seed cataloges and has started to order heirloom seeds. He's also found sites on-line that are giving him ideas on how to do things differently. Jeff wants to make the garden larger if we can, maybe add some bees....

The shop's rolling along in Cooperstown. I wish I had more time to knit and work down there. Maybe after I retire.... Hey, I'll be 62 in April so 'retirement looms on the horizon'!

Mom will be 98 in a couple of weeks (Jan 13) and she's still taking care of herself and knitting. Without Jeff it would be a lot harder and I don't think she'd still be living at home. She listens to him when she thinks I don't know what I'm talking about, and I couldn't get her to appointments without him.

Lady Dawg is one of the best dogs we've had. She's so gentle and caring. Whenever she's outside for more than 15 minutes, she wants to go in to check on Mom. Then come back out to be with us...or really with Jeff. She goes out with him more than I do.

Going to PT this fall has made a great difference in my mobility and pain levels. I can't believe it wasn't suggested 4 years ago after the break! Why don't more orthopedic surgeons recommend PT? I know I'll never be pain free but at least now I'm learning on how to cope with it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Camp for sale

As another year comes to an end I've reached a decision about camp. It's got to I'm willing to give someone...anyone...a holiday deal: the trailer, share and is...for $24,000. We had many good times there and we miss it but it's time. It's still got plenty of time left in the trailer...the living room has a propane stove, the windows in the bedrooms and over the kitchen sink are new vinyl insulated replacement windows. The sink in the bathroom is new. So, if anyone out there is interested in a camp in Speculator, NY, please get in touch with me. Happy holidays!