Monday, July 17, 2017

Beep! Beep!

  BEEP!  BEEP!  Some one just tooted their car horn outside and we all jumped thinking it might be the guys for the pump but it was the mailperson delivering a package for me.  I belong to an online knitting group that organizes quarterly swaps and we are in the middle of one now.  I just received a package from Heather Burton in Westbury, Wiltshire, England!  It was full of such treasures!!  Several skeins of yarn, a box of notions, a pompom maker, candles, candy and a hand knit project bag!  I'm suppose to take some photos of it and post them on the group's Facebook page but yesterday while I was in the shop in Cooperstown my purse hit the floor...and the side that hit the floor with a thick THUD held my camera. Yep, it broke.  It was a digital Kodak, a nifty little camera, the 2nd one I've managed to destroy this way.  I'm going to order another one today and should have it in a few days.  The price is right at Walmart less than $75...and no shipping...and I do manage to make then last for about 2 years.  In the meantime, no camera and I feel a little lost.  And, I've got to have a camera before we pick up the puppy!

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