Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ah, Water!

   You just never know how much you rely on a water faucet, how many time a day you reach out to wash your hands, how many times a day you want to rinse off a piece of flatware.  We were without running water for a little more than 36 hours but it got to both of us.  Jeff took a shower last night about midnight just because he could!  I had washed all the dishes and countertops and felt like my kitchen was spotless wasn't but who was I to argue with me?  And the things I learned while relying on bottled water...for instance, it takes 3 personal-size bottles of water to make a pot of coffee.  (But you have to remember to put in the coffee grounds...I forgot and we had a pot of hot water!)  Fanny's water bowl holds the contents of a personal-size bottle of water...and she rather likes it cold from the refrig! 
   There wasn't enough bottled water to cook a meal so we went out to lunch yesterday at Mona's (the purple house) in Mohawk.  She serves breakfast all day so Jeff had eggs, hash browns, ham and toast for lunch while I had a cheeseburger and fries.  I shared half of my burger with was too big for me to finish!  And the total was less than $17!  How can you beat that?  I settled for a bowl of oatmeal for supper but Jeff cooked something for himself later.
   On the way home we stopped at the Ilion library to pick up some books I had ordered and then Jeff decided to check our the Frankfort Marina, his new 'favorite fishing hole'.  The water was still high at the marina so Jeff drove down under the overpass along the canal to show me where he really like to fish.  He kept saying 'this road is practically paved' but it didn't seem that way to me!  It was narrow with bushes and trees on both sides and it was only 1 lane wide!  He stopped and showed me a couple of spots where the fishing was good under the overpass/exit from Rte5 to Frankfort.  It was a little wild for my was too wild for me!  I wish I had had a camera because some of the spots looked like they were miles in the woods not on the outskirts of the village!
  On the way home, after that, we stopped at Collis Hardware and got a recommendation for a someone to replace the bedroom windows and dry rot.  I called them last night and left a message.  If we don't hear from him by supper, I'll try again.  We really need to have those windows replaced and the dry rot removed.
  Oh, we even drove up Rte 28 to look at some used John Deere home tractors.  Wally told me yesterday he'll be going to Florida for the winter.  (Poor him, he hasn't been able to meet any new women in Herkimer so he thinks he'll have better luck in Florida!)  Anyway, that means we'll be responsible for keeping the driveway least as far as his fence.  Our oil man and the garbage man both have to be able to get in that far and we don't think the walk behind snoblower we have will do the job. 
   I didn't realize how tired and upset the water situation had me until I went to bed.  I cried myself to sleep...from relief.  Living in this little old house has really started to get to me.  Both Jeff and I like it here but it's getting beyond our abilities to maintain.  And getting Jeff to agree to hire some one is...well, like with any man....
  Oh, FedEx delivered my new Kodak Pixpro digital camera this morning that I had bought online from Walmart! I had this model...FZ43...once before and liked it but I think I forgot how small it was. It fits in my hand and in the felt case I had made for it very snuggly. Hopefully, it will last longer than 2 years...probably will since that's the length of the protection/replacement plan I got for it! But I think I'll start saving my change for a larger digital SLR. It may take me 2 years to acquire that many nickels, dimes, quarters and don't forget the pennies! Jeff was surprised I got it so quickly...I ordered it Monday!
   Now I think I'll take a shower and use up all the hot water!  Jeff's gone fishing and Fanny's snoring in the chair next to me.  Friday I have an appointment with the 
Ophthalmologist in Cooperstown.  I have a cataract in my left eye and it's time to have it taken care of.  I'm not looking forward to that but it's starting to affect my vision.  Hopefully, the procedure can be done in Herkimer or Little Falls.  Jeff's were done in Little Falls but that doctor has since died.  Just have to wait and see. 
  One good thing that happened today, one of the office girls from Harbor Point, our fuel oil distributor, called to ask if I had heard that HEAP had a program this year to clean furnaces for seniors.  I called and since I'm 67, I seem to qualify.  I'll be getting an application in the mail.  When I do, I'll just fill it in and send it back and if I'm approved, Harbor Point will get the call and they will call me to schedule a cleaning.  We never got around to having the furnace cleaned last year so it really should be done this year! 
  Now it's time for that shower and then a trip to town.  I promised Fanny lunch at McD's. She loves chicken Nuggets!  And I just love the look at the girl's face when they ask what kind of sauce I want for the nuggets and I say the dog doesn't care for any! 

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