Thursday, March 28, 2013


I'm great at starting projects but usually need a 'project manager' to finish anything.

I worked on my 'Tanked' hoodie this morning, working in a blue and yellow fish.  I realized I had made a mistake and tried to correct it without ripping the whole thing out.  No luck, that only made it worse.  Then I tried ripping out only the fish...worse still!  So I finally gave in, admitted defeat, and ripped out about 2" of my sweater.  Worked the fish back in...after I adjusted the chart...and worked in most of the yarn I had ripped out.  Still doesn't look perfect to me, but....

In-between ripping and knitting,  I emptied the wheelbarrow in the garage and brought the wood into the house.  There's still a pile of cut wood that has to be stacked somewhere but I think I'll throw as much as I can into the wheelbarrow to be stacked at a later time and bring what I can into the house.

My real task for today was to finish cleaning the closets Jeff and I emptied yesterday and move the last batch of what we had canned from the kitchen counters to old linen closet.  Instead, I started emptying out the laundry room. Actually, clearing the counter in there and picking up piles from the floor.  Got another of the giant heavy-duty garbage bags nearly full!  After lunch I'll wipe down the shelves in the linen closet and move those jars.  I really have to dust/clean the TV room before Friday so Jeff can help me move furniture, too.

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