Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Never A Dull Moment

A row and a half stacked
       We stacked wood for the 2nd day in a row today and now have 1 1/2 rows in the woodshed.  I'm not proud to say that I whined most of the time (he was throwing the wood at me (not really), I was afraid I'd trip on the uneven floor and fall, my back hurt, etc.) but I didn't quit and we finally emptied out the trailer.  Jeff said he was surprised I had stuck with it!  Now he's got to cut up more pallets so we can do it again.  But first he went on a scouting mission to see if there were enough pallets down to the hardware store to fill the trailer. (There wasn't)  Before he
Pallets waiting to be cut up
starts cutting what's here he'd like to get another trailer load of pallets because the trailer will be out of service for 3-4 days while he's cutting and we're stacking, oh, well.
     While we were busy stacking wood Fanny was strolling around the yard pulling her usual disappearing act.  Finally we were both tired and out-of-sorts (that may be read as 'being in bitchy moods') when she disappeared again.  It took a few minutes before Jeff traced her down....down the dirt road/4-wheeler trail/old trolley bed that runs behind our house.  When she finally reappeared it looked like she had found a dead animal...possibly a deer...and rolled in it because she had dried blood on her back and legs along with the mud.  She also had small ticks on her back so when we put her on her lead I got the spray bottle and sprayed...her legs, belly, side, back, neck, head...and picked ticks.  She was not a happy puppy.  She does not like to be sprayed with flea and tick spray and especially not when she can't get away and hide.  She spent the rest of the time we were outside on the lead and when we came in she ignored both of us.  Now she has gotten even...she just peed on Jeff's bed.  I think Fanny will be spending several days on the lead. (It's safe to say Jeff is not happy.)
   I've got 2 adult cable hats ready to take to the shop tomorrow and this morning I did a baby's flower hat.  And after supper I started a 2nd flower hat but was interrupted by Fanny's dramatic presentation.  Now while one of Jeff's blankets is in the dryer and the other in the washer...the sheets can wait until morning... I can get back to my knitting. 
The two new Flower Hats in the shop on Wednesday!

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