Friday, October 16, 2015

Autumn, oh autumn

Winter Train Hoodie, size 1 w/back zip
      Autumn has not been kind to far.  I was scheduled to work in the shop last Saturday...Columbus Weekend... sure to be busy...and I wasn't feel so great.  A sore throat was developing into a full blown head cold and I had already developed my well-known hacking cough.  I tried to switch work days but no one was able to switch but Anita was willing to split the day.  She came in at 1pm and took one look at me and sent me home.  How I made it without an accident I don't know.  She went on to have over $500 in sales...I don't think I could of handled that!  I managed to hang up my new train sweater and promptly forget to take a photo of it! (Betsy was the Angel who took a photo of it on Monday and it looks great!) I got home around 2pm and found what looked like a delicious  stew bubbling in the crock pot...Jeff had gotten meat on Friday and a package of stew seasoning.  The stew had been simmering all day and I managed to eat a small portion before brewing a large cup of tea and heading to bed.  I ended up sleeping from around 3pm Saturday until after noon on Sunday with tea and bathroom breaks thru the night.  When I finally surfaced on Sunday, Jeff was hacking and thanking me for sharing the cold with him.  The kitchen was a disaster area with dirty dishes overflowing from the sink!  That was my first task!  We both spent the next couple of days close to home blowing noses and coughing.  Yesterday was the first day we were anywhere near normal.
   Jeff's PC has died.  He had gotten it at Walmart and had replacement insurance with it...with 3 weeks left on the policy!  Now he's waiting for them to send him the paperwork and box so he can mail it to the repair center.  How long that will take, how long it will take to get a diagnosis and either a repair or a replacement remains to be seen.  In the mean time, he's been trying to get one of the other PC's to work without much luck... so we've been sharing this PC. 
   Yesterday Jeff stripped the garden and there are 3 baskets of veggies (peppers, squash, tomatoes) on the porch that he will dehydrated.  I brought the 2 hanging strawberry baskets inside because they're still flowering and forming fruit.  I haven't been able to get any of the fruit because some animal has been beating me to it all season!  One of the baskets is full and hopefully the strawberries will ripen inside!  I've still got to bring in the big geranium that's on the deck but it's still blooming!  And it's so heavy because it's been raining lately! I took photos of everything but can't get Windows 10 to let me download them to the blog! I don't know what I did to get the photo of my hoodie to download but whatever I did worked!  But it was in my email so maybe that's why it worked.  Oh, well, I'll try at the library on Monday.  If nothing else works maybe I can email them to myself?? 
   The oven on the kitchen stove has started having fits...sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  Makes baking a real crap shoot!  Looks like the top of my Christmas list is a new stove.  Now, how many sweaters and hats will it take to pay for a new stove?

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