Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Family Time

The Morgan's: Mary, JD, their mom, Jo, Paul and David
     Monday night Jeff and I went to the calling hours for my cousin Tom.  Jeff met a lot of my relatives from out-of-state...and I met a few people I hadn't seen in years.  It's too bad that funerals are the only time our extended family gets together.  Tuesday morning Jeff doggie sat...Fanny isn't the best animal to leave alone...while I went to the funeral with my cousin Ed.  I was going to wear my dress boots...instead of these work shoes but Fanny and I had a disagreement while I was dressing.  She thought putting on pantyhose was a game...and I lost. (Good thing I hadn't bought the expensive pantyhose.)I knew I couldn't get to the car on the ice with the dress boots so I planned on changing my boots at Jeff's when I left the dog but that didn't happen. I couldn't get the dress boot to zip up over my swollen right ankle even with pantyhose(or what was left of them) it was back to these sturdy work shoes. (It's been about 6 years since I broke my leg and tore up my ankle and the ankle is still swollen.  It goes up and down with the barometer!  This time of year is not good for it.)  There was a reception/luncheon at the Mohawk Valley Country Club after the funeral so I collected Jeff...and Fanny...and we went there.  More relatives...and people who knew Tom.  I can't tell you how many times I was told I hadn't changed...but they all got old!  And gray..or bald!  (I said a silent prayer to my father for the lack of gray hair at my age.)  Even if it was a funeral,we had a good time.  These are some of my cousins after the funeral at the Country Club.  

Mary Morgan and Joanie Valenti

Elizabeth and  Colleen Paul
Joanie with Jerry Paul
Joanie with JD Morgan
Joanie's not my we kept explaining...her mom and mine were BFF as girls...but she is cousin to the Paul's and Morgan's. If I could pick another cousin, I'd pick her.
    I spent the afternoon finishing my 12 baby hats for the shop.  Today I'm working on a couple of adult hats and then I have to decorate them.  The baseball hats will take the longest...I don't enjoy embroidering the stitches...but the rest of the baby hats just need their knit roses sewed on.  I had a new hat rack made for my display yesterday and can't wait to see the new set up. The shop reopens for the season Friday April 3rd. 

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