Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Greenhouse

Jeff has been wanting to build a greenhouse for the last couple of years.  He's covered parts of the garden...and the raised beds... with plastic the last couple of seasons in attempts to lengthen the growing seasons...w/o much luck. This winter he watched a lot of videos on-line and finally decided on the style he wanted...and started building:  13 10' pvc conduits, 2   pvc T's and 4 pvc crosses and some 2x4's and a 
Screwing the conduits to the frame
 whole lot of screws later and we have the frame for the greenhouse.  It was hard to
The Hump lifted into place
Frame for the door 
hold one edge in place as the hump was formed and strips of wood were added to re-enforce the sides and the bottom. We only split one T as the pvc shattered as the screw hole was drilled but each additional piece of wood and screw made the entire thing more secure and stable.  Jeff's going to use pallets for growing beds (also an on-line idea) and he thinks there's enough plastic left over from last year to cover it.  I think the porch needs a new screen door and that one may be recycled to the greenhouse. (We know it's wide enough for the wheelbarrow to go thru since that's how the cut wood gets on to the porch....).  There may be windows in the recycle pile on the other side of the garage that we can use for ventilation.  It's been going together fairly well.  Now we have to move it into place by the garden.

Jeff got the last load of pallets almost all cut up.  He's brought 3 wheelbarrow loads into the porch and I got them stacked.  Then the tablesaw decided it had had enough and refused to work.  Jeff's spent most of the afternoon taking it apart...and now putting it back together.  There was a lot of sawdust clogging things up!  Hope it works when it's back together!  Tomorrow he may go pick up more pallets...and maybe even some 50 gal barrels to use a rain barrels.  Monday I have to work in the shop in Cooperstown and he wants plenty of things to work on when he and Fanny are stuck out here w/o a vehicle.

The nursing home Mom's in has been under quarantine the last week or so with a flu bug.  I got in to visit today but she wasn't too happy...feeling rather neglected.  Don't think she really believes the quarantine part!  Oh, well....

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