Sunday, June 17, 2012


I finished my 2 baseball sweater sets Friday and took them to the shop in Cooperstown yesterday morning. The town was already filling up at 9:30am when I got there. Homeowners with large yards rent parking spaces for the day for a little less than the big organized parking lots..and almost all of the spaces were full. The Methodist church was about the only place still 'open'..they were going at $10 for the day with a 2 block walk to the ball field. I guess if you can get 20 or so cars in your yard at $10-15 each you don't mind having to roll and re-seed it afterwards. On the way out of town I saw a small sports card with a pin-stripe paint job and thought I'd try to do a pin-stripe sweater. I've tried before and it always ends up looking like a prison-stripe. Maybe this time will be different!

We had a very nice visit with family after Fran's funeral. A luncheon was held at Canal Side in Little Falls. Kat & John had put together a collage of family photos for the calling hours and brought it to the restaurant. We had a good laugh over hairstyles! Too bad family get-togethers are happening after funerals more and more.

Jeff's been worrying about the way the garden is growing...or isn't growing. He's been watering it daily, usually with 'compost tea' but even after that soaking rain we got last week, the top layer is dry as...dirt! When he hoes you can see that the ground is holding moisture down a couple of inches but it doesn't seem to be enough for the plants. Plants in the accent boxes are doing well but the soil in them is a top soil-manure-peat-vermiculite-compost mix that is very wet in the beginning and has maintained the moisture. I think he may be expecting too much too soon from the garden...the 1st day of summer isn't until Wednesday!! Now he's looking into getting some horse manure to add to the compost bin. Thanks to his sister's rapidly growing lawn, he's had 'green' cuttings to add but the compost isn't working hot or fast enough for him.

On the other hand, the tenants in the compost bin seem to be happy, growing quite large... for garden snakes. Here's a couple of them basking in the sun on the compost bin. There are actually 2 in the center photo on the spacer collar...Jeff was turning the compost into the other bin. He lets them bask until they get a little too bold then he flips them into the weeds behind the bin and they slither away for awhile. I don't know if they're doing anything to control
the field mouse population but
they seem to be enjoying the bugs!

Friday we saw a young red fox crossing the road. Cute little guy, like a small dog, running on dainty little feet! Last night while we were sitting out by the fire, we heard several of them. A strange bark. They were all around us in the woods and it sounded like they were playing "marco polo" barking then another answering. I've heard them before but never knew they were fox.

Yesterday we visited the dog we chose at the humane society and took her for a walk. It was her 1st time in a harness and on lead and she was skiddish. Crossing Rte 5S scared her so I carried her across. After we got onto grass she was interested in what was around her. We met several people and stopped to talk. They had seen us come out of the humane society and had several questions about the place. She was very lovable with plenty of doggie kisses for the ladies. We walked down to the canal/river and again she was skiddish about the water lapping the shore. Jeff got her to drink by putting water in the plastic lid of his tobacco can...and she lapped up quite a bit! We walked back to the humane society and this time she crossed the road on her own feet with Jeff close by. We hope to take her out again on Monday after work. We'll know by Friday if we'll be getting her. Got to come up with a name! She's an Australian cattle dog...probably a mix, what they use to call a mutt!

We went exploring in the countryside south of Rte 5S on the way home. Saw some fancy new houses...and building lots for sale at $49.000.00 and up!...and some beautiful scenic views. We ended up on Rte 168..the Creek Road..and came out at the bottom of Vickerman Hill in Mohawk. We're lucky to have such beautiful country around us. Too bad more people don't take advantage of it. The idea of these excursions is to see if you can get lost and then find your way back home. Jeff and his uncle used to take rides like these.

I'm not sure what we're going to do today. There are potatoes to plant and carrots to transplant...we'll see. I know we got a roasting chicken and are planning to put it on Jeff's
Ronco Rotisserie. Remember tv commercials about that? Again, his uncle liked to cook on one and they wore out several over the years. Jeff was lucky to have one given to him and while it's lacking a few of the fancier accessories it works very well.

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