Friday, June 8, 2012

This is the herb box with annual flowering plants (ageratum, white begonia and celosia) in the top level to attract pollinators...and to make it look good. The whirajig is to discourage squirrels & their friends...and it works!

After supper last night I sat by the fire
and knitted while Jeff watered the garden with compost tea (compost seeped in water and diluted thru the sprayer). It works as well MircleGro...and a whole lot cheaper! Wally & Dot walked up and sat with us for while. Wally brought up a glass of water from their new well. The sediment has settled completely and they have nice crystal clear... sulfur water...just like us! Wally is looking into purification systems and Jeff's encouraging him to look into reverse osmosis.

These are the potato tubs in the gutter garden with their new 'hill' collars...mesh
laundry baskets from the dollar store with the bottoms removed, split open and wrapped around the potato plants, lined with paper bags or newspapers and filled with dirt
to bury the stems (in reality, hilling them.)
Tub #1...with the brown paper collar...has flowers forming. That's suppose to mean
potatoes are forming underground.
The plants in the gutter garden are doing much better than those in the ground...but they were put in place in the middle of April and lived in a 'greenhouse' for a couple of weeks. The 'square foot' garden looks very good with square foot patches of each different vegetable. It's like a green patch work...all different shades of green! Hope it produces fruit!

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