Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today's been a real wash out! We've gotten about 3/4" of rain and with that much rain you'd expect to have puddles in the walkways but no, it's all seeping into the ground. Jeff's been watering the planted rows right along and we've both noticed that the walkways were getting dry and cracked. He hoed the entire planted area this weekend and those plants have seem to grown overnight with this rain. He's had to refill the reservoir for the gutter garden nearly every day, too, and those plants are growing like crazy! Both potato tubs have flowers so we may get some potatoes!! They also have holes in the leaves caused by some larva. When Jeff nudged one off a leaf it suddenly had wings and legs! It doesn't look like the regular potato beetle...kind of like an all red lady bug... but more like a splot of bird dung...that brown spot in the center of the photo. He's planning on spraying as soon as it drys up. I get to continue mowing the lawn...a never ending job this time of the year. I haven't made it all the way around in the same weekend yet! We went to Jeff's sister's yesterday and came back with 5 trash bags of grass cuttings from her lawn. One compost bin is empty and Jeff needed the 'green' to mix in as he turns the other bin. The weather is suppose to be 'great' for the next 5 days...sunny and warm but not hazy hot and humid...so we should be able to get some work done.

Thursday we're going to my cousin Fran's funeral. He died in Greece, where he lived, on the day he was suppose to fly to the States for his annual summer visit. There are photos of him in last year's tomato patch earlier in this blog. Both Jeff and I have been saying 'wait til Fran gets here and sees this' all season as we've worked the garden. Too bad he didn't make it. We will miss him very much. (www.vincenteneafuneralservice.com)

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