Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Time For A New Mail Box

     About a week ago I found our mailbox sitting upside down...full of mail...in the snowbank under it's base.  The wooden board that it was fastened to had been split and the screws holding the setup together dislodged.  Wally's mailbox hadn't been touched so we couldn't blame the snowplow for the destruction.  I set the box back on the stand and Jeff said he doubted we'd be receiving any mail in it any more.  
   Our mailman had always brought packages to the house and left them on the front seat of the car instead of hanging from the box so I just figured until Jeff put up the new box (which had been sitting in the enclosed porch for a couple of months) that's how we'd be getting our mail.  But no.  Each day our mail was put in the box...even when packages were included...they were shoved into the box, too.  Somehow the box stayed balanced on the galvanized pipe base!! Today Jeff decided we had probably run out of luck and it was time to put up the new box.  I had already put the numbers on the door of the new box so I just wrote them on a piece of note paper and taped it to the inside of the box.  (For some reason the mailman insists on the numbers being there, too.)  At least the temperature today is closer to freezing than it's been this week so hopefully it wasn't too bad out there for Jeff.  (Can't wait to hear 
that story.)
  We always tell people that our driveway is opposite the first set of mailboxes they come to on Smallsbush Road and they seem to go right past them  Now, with a bright white mailbox, maybe they can see it.

   I had thought of doing some art work on the side of the box around the red flag but never got to it.  I think I'll see what kind of stencils I can find.  That would be a lot easier than standing there painting a scene.  And then again, maybe I'll leave it white.  Definitely makes it noticeable.  And when it gets knocked down next time it won't bother me as much.
Jeff said if anyone complains about the color...white...he'll go out and paint pink polka-dots on it!

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