Thursday, September 21, 2017

Anticipation by Zoey

       It's exciting to live each day following your nose
...smelling where it takes you, tasting what it leads you to, getting you into trouble when you don't 'stay in the yard'.  It can lead you to things to climb over 
or put you on the level to walk on tables or dressers(!!) or tempt you to dig holes in the middle of the yard...or the couch pillow(!).  It can lead you down the driveway after the car...20 minutes after if drove away (OK, my nose doesn't tell time so good) or follow Fanny around the house.  It can tell when supper's being served or when Mary has a cookie and a cup of coffee (she'll share but Jeff won't).  It knows which drive-thru window put treats in their drawer for Fanny and me (the bank) and which one doesn't (the pharmacy) and which ones just smell good (the pizza and sandwich places) but they all have nice people who say how cute I am. Sometimes it tells me I don't want to go inside somewhere but then Mary or Jeff just pick me up and carry me in.  Usually I'm right, like the place that sort of smells interesting but has a lot of other smells, too, that I'm afraid of.
I've gotten stuck in the hinny with a pin or something a couple of times when we've gone there and didn't feel so good afterwards.  But I like to sit at the window with my nose against the screen and just watch and smell the backyard.  There are a lot to things I want to explore out there...maybe someday, if I ever get as big as Fanny.  But then, they tell Fanny to 'stay in the yard', too.

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