Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool's Day!

    April finally made it!  For awhile I wasn't sure it was going to happen.  The weather around here's been on a roller coaster the last couple of weeks.  High 60's to freezing in less than 24 hours!  Remember, the Great Northeast...if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes, it will change!
   Jeff's garden is sprouting next to me.  It likes the southern exposure it gets in the parlor window!   We have

lemon cucumbers

sweet peppers just starting to sprout

corn...Jeff needs to turn this tray!
and carrots
all about 2" high.   The peppers...sweet and hot... have finally started to break thru but there isn't anything showing in the potatoes.
   Jeff's started to buy the material he needs to rebuild the gutter garden.  He's moving the greenhouse to the back yard and there will be a New gutter garden in it and on the hill out front where the greenhouse use to be.  This year's gutter garden will be open water for mosquitoes to breed in or Fanny to drink PVC pipes.  He finally found the float valves he needed and once set up all he'll have to do is keep the 5 gallon drum full of water and the system will self-water. Now Jeff's looking at kerosene heaters for the greenhouse to extend the season.
   I've spent the last 2 days sewing zippers into my hoodies...something I put off as long as possible but
since I'm suppose to stock the shop on Tuesday, I'm running out of time!  Still have some buttons to sew on too.  I'd rather knit but I seemed to have mislaid my mojo!   Guess I better finish what I've got started.
   My doctor is leaving Bassett at the end of June and she wants me to be self testing by then so she finally wrote the Rx for the INR (blood coagulation ratio)meter.  The trainer called today and is coming over next Saturday to give me some training.  She asked if I thought I could self-test.  I asked her if she ever saw a US00 knitting needle and what it could do to you fingertip?  I don't think I'll have any trouble doing a self-test.

p.s.  Jeff just came home with a new keyboard for early birthday present...complete with a replacement plan.  My keyboard had started to act wonky today...if I tried to use one of the letters in the row under the numbers (qwertyuiop) it typed the letter I hit and the number above it! My own secret code!

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