Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Mailbox Was Stuffed!

 Found my yarn order stuffed in the mailbox this morning when Jeff and I went to town. I exercised great control and just tossed it on the floor of the car and tried to ignore it...eventho it kept calling to me.  After we finished shopping we stopped at Belly Busters, a great new diner/bakery on State St. in Herkimer where Dandy Donuts use to be.  The coffee is good and they serve an all-you-can-eat breakfast all day for only $8.95 that Jeff likes.  While we were there having lunch, an older guy had 4.  Yeah, 4 breakfasts!!  We had burgers and fries and they were great!  I even saved a couple of bites of my cheeseburger for Fanny who was waiting in the car...guarding my yarn order.  When we got home, I calmly made a pot of coffee, put the rest of the groceries away and then tore opened my package!  The yarn is beautiful.  It looks great and feels wonderful.   Now I've just got to finish the socks I'm doing for Jeff...not a "Christmas present" but a "wood cutting" I can start working on this new yarn.  Then today I found another site online...Skeino...that looks good, too.  So much little time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary, glad to see you came across us. Happy knitting! :)

Matt from SKEINO