Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Still Snowed-In!

      That snowstorm on Sunday left us about 13" of snow in the driveway and it's still there.  Wally cleared around his house and garage and that's all!  Our Cub Cadet is still waiting for the decks to be changed...not something Jeff can do right now with his shoulders the way they he thought of using the walk-behind snowblower.  I volunteered to help but thank heavens, Jeff thought better of it and called his nephew, Doug.  Doug has a pickup truck with a plow on it and while he can't come down today, he will be here on Saturday.  We can easily wait til then. 
   I called the clinic and rescheduled the INR that was suppose to be repeated today until Monday.  (I was .2 out of range when I was tested last Wednesday.)  The only thing that may have done it was the Chinese seasonings Jeff used a couple of times last week.  The chicken and pork chops tasted great but if it pushed me out of range I'd just as soon not eat it.  Jeff was suppose to have PT today, too, but I just called and rescheduled that for next Tuesday.  They'll fit him in for his other session then.
   I talked to my cousin, Ed, last night.  The closing on his house had been postponed by the storm, too.  He doesn't know when that will happen now.  He said he went up to the house yesterday to turn the furnace up a little.  He said it was starting to smell damp and musty inside.  I had promised to lend him my statue of St Joseph to put in the house until the closing but forgot to give it to him on Thanksgiving.  If it doesn't close by Saturday I'm going to call him to come over and get it. 
Baby Norgi by Wendy Johnson
   I've been trying to do a Norwegian ski sweater called 'Baby Norgi' by Wendy Johnson that I found on Ravelry.    I really liked it but finally had to admit defeat.  I got all the patterns right but it just doesn't fit on a raglan-sleeved sweater top. Left too much open spaces.  I ripped it out yesterday and started a 'Flowers and Lace' sweater instead.  Today I'll do the sleeves and start the body.  Maggie was going to stop here after PT on Friday to pick up my stock for the shop but that's out of the question now with our snow-filled driveway.  I really wanted to do this 'Baby Norgi' sweater....  Maybe I'll try it again after I finish the 'Flowers and Lace'.
   I've done 4 Hats for the Library Fence but since they're not going to be delivered this week, I might do a couple more.  I'm using patterns I've been collecting but never had time to try.  Had a bit of trouble with an adult swirled rib watch cap.  The swirled rib worked fine until it was time to decrease the top and then it became a mess so I had to improvise.  Ended up looking pretty good, too.
   Jeff and I have a bet on how long Wally will last snowed in.  I said until he got tired of eating TV dinners.  Jeff doesn't think that will happen.  We'll just have to wait and see until then it's time to get back to knitting!
   Oh, yesterday would have been my cousin Tom Paul's birthday.  We lost Tommy a couple of years ago and he is truly missed...especially this time of year.  Tom and his father (and in the beginning, brother Jerry) would get a Christmas tree for us every year.  It wasn't always a 'perfect' tree but it was always a wonderful Christmas tree.  They'd bring it up and my mom would put out an Italian feast...meatballs, hot name it!  Boy, those were the days!  This time of year it's easy...and remember those who have left us.  At Thanksgiving my cousin Ed said he never thought it would get so lonely, there were so many people around all the time but....   Tom, you are still loved and greatly missed.😢

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