Saturday, July 27, 2019

Now What??

   For awhile there yesterday morning I didn't think I was going to make it to the shop.  I sailed up the hill past the Jordanville Rd and felt pretty good but when I got to Richfield Springs and pulled into McD's that damn red light went on again on my dash.  It wasn't flashing.  Nothing like CHECK ENGINE.  Just the red light meaning the engine was hot.  Every time I had to wait while in line at the drive-thru I switched the engine off and when I stared up again the light was off...and it stayed off until I took my foot off the gas and had to stand there in line again. (I finally made it to the pick-up window and received a surprise...the guy handed me my ice tea and said 'keep the $$.  It's on the house, you had to wait an extra long time.' WOW!  I was surprised!)  Back on the road again and the red light started to play 'hide and seek'.  Whenever I slowed down to below 40 (and remember that stretch of highway along Canadarago Lake is posted at 35 mph!) the light would flash and when I went faster it would disappear!  When I got into the shop I called the mechanic.  They thought that a 'head' might have cracked when the engine overheated last time.  If it did on the way home, call them and they would come with the tow truck.  I talked to Jeff who still didn't believe it and he said to chance it.  (He was still betting on a sticking 
thermostat.)  When I started the car to head for home the light was out and stayed out for the time I was in Cooperstown.  It flashed a couple of times going up the hill out of town because there was a line of traffic and the speed limit was 40 mph.  I made it thru Fly Creek with a few flashes and once past Oaksville and on the open highway where I could get up to 55 mph,the light went out.  For some reason, the light stayed out along the that 35 mph zone (althou I was doing a little better than 35 but not over 40 mph.) The rest if the way home the light stayed out.  When I got home I told Jeff about my ride and we discussed if it could have been an air bubble.  He still doesn't think it's a cracked head because the car never overheated yesterday.  Last night we went to town and no flashing light.  It's a mystery. (By the way, Jeff calls Rte 28 south out of Mohawk an engine killer because the hill is so steep and long.) We'll keep an eye on the car...on the dash...for awhile and Jeff wants to check the antifreeze.  My next trip to the shop isn't until Aug 9th so maybe it will straighten itself out my then.  I hope.
  My day in the shop wasn't too bad.  I had plenty of sales and actually sold a pair of my new booties!  Now I've got to make another pair to replace them but first I've got to find some more tiny buttons!  I checked with the button company I use and 3 cards of buttons...with 3 buttons each...will cost me $12 including postage.  I don't think so! So today I'll work on my special order...a size 6mo cardigan.  Photo to follow.
(UP-DATE:  Theresa, from the shop, has a jar of the right size small buttons that she's been saving for no special reason that she's going to give me!  No $1.27 each for the next batch of booties!!  Thanks, Theresa!!)

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