Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rain, Rain and More Rain

     This is a wet weekend!  And a busy one!  Yesterday I was scheduled to work in the shop in Cooperstown (Cooper Country, 2 Doubleday Court...adjacent to the parking lot at Doubleday Field for those who don't know) and invited to my cousin's daughter's graduation party.  (Both sides of my family have dwindled and Diane and her brother are my only relatives on my father's side so there was no question about attending.)  I was lucky enough to find someone to split the work day with me so I opened at 10am and Theresa (who with her husband does french rolling pins, salt and pepper grinders and other beautiful pieces of turned wood) came in at lunch time.  I had a busy morning with brisk sales...even one of my pumpkin hats sold!  In fact, it was a repeat sale.  The buyer had gotten a pumpkin hat about 6 years ago (had to have been one of Josie's) and needed another for a gift.  
     I had gotten one of the new cotton newborn sweater sets and a couple of newborn hats finished, as well as a regular baseball sweater, so I had plenty of stock to put out.  The new 'All Natural' display is looking good with bibs, quilts, blankets and now my sweater and hats.  Hope they sell!  I thought about ordering more 100% cotton yarn last night but decided to wait until something sells from the display.  Even tho the yarn comes from England it gets shipped fact, the first order arrived within a week!    This 2nd order will be worsted weight instead of baby yarn.  My hands do not like working on such fine yarn and small needles!  Or maybe they don't like the rush jobs I was doing.  I finished the shawl for the graduation present on Thursday and picked up a shawl pin in the shop yesterday that really finished it off.  I had sent Anita, the jeweler, an email with a photo of the yarn so she could coordinate the color of the beads with the yarn and she did a fantastic job.  She made 2 choice...and I couldn't decide which one so I bought them both and kept one  for myself.  That will make me do a scarf for myself!  Hey, I'm worth it!!
    Jeff and I...with Fanny waiting in the car...went
to my cousin's graduation party late yesterday afternoon.  Of course it had to rain but they had gotten a tent and at least it was dry.  There was plenty of food (catered by Piggy Pat's) and that was our supper!  My cousin's sister-in-law who lives in Texas told me she still has the sweater I had knit for her daughter even tho she's out-grown it.  She's keeping it for her daughter's daughter.  (It will be a long wait, the kid is about 12!!)  Diane's other sister-in-law wanted to talk about valve replacement surgery...she had it done this winter and wanted to know how my surgery affected me (the surgery nothing, the warfarin I have to take limits the amount of greens I can eat and leaves me cold most of the time).  Melanie, the graduate, had finished 8th in her class at Frankfort and is going to the University of Buffalo in the fall.    We stayed at the party for about an hour and a half...long enough to totally chill me to the bone... before going home.  We were both beat...Jeff had cut wood most of the it was an early night.  I watched an episode of Pie in the Sky from AcornTV and went to bed about 9:30.   Slept until Fanny woke me up at 5:30am to go out!  I guess I'll finish the 2nd newborn sweater today and do some regular baby hats so Steve can take them down on Wednesday when he works.  Or maybe I'll just make a cup of tea and read a book. 

p.s.  The rain has done some good:  the large geranium that I brought home from camp in 2009 is blossoming again.  Does that make it annual...a perennial?  Thanks again, Joanie O!  It's as beautiful as always!    Photos will follow...I promise.  The dog knocked into the Kodak digital and jammed the lens, and the Jazz digital needs new batteries...and not ones from the dollar store! 

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