Saturday, July 31, 2021

Day -1

    No predniSONE this goes on and so does the pain!  Woke up just before 6:30am as the pain started rolling around my thumb. Tried to ignore it but finally gave up, got up and put on a pot of coffee.  Just holding the hot mug left so good! I took a single extra-strength Tylenol around 8am and was surprized because between it and the heating pad I was able to sleep in my chair...dose actually because I had to turn off the heat after 10-15 mins and wait until things cooled down before turning it back on.  Actually did that routine 2 or 3 times and pain faded...not entirely but enough where I just got up and refilled my coffee cup!   If the single tab works during the day I just take 2 at I'll be getting more sleep than 'naps'!!

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