Monday, February 12, 2018

Zoey, the Flat Tire and the Mailbox

     Zoey's been carrying on like crazy whenever one of us leaves the house because she's being left behind again.  We were told at the vet's not to bathe her and we figured walking thru the +8" of snow in the driveway would get her incision as wet as a bath, so Zoey has been house-bound...and not very happy about it.  Her post-op appointment is Wednesday and maybe she'll be able to play outside after that.  Keeping a healthy, headstrong, 8-month old puppy quiet has not been easy.  The first 2 days she went from being a total zombie to slowly being her old self but moving a lot slower! She didn't get that bounce back to her step until Saturday!  She didn't even want to wrestle with Fanny until yesterday!  (Had to step in and send them to opposite corners!)  Her incision looks good to me...hope the vet thinks so, too.  And we haven't had to put the Elizabeth collar on her to keep her from it, either!
   Since we decided Zoey wasn't going anywhere until she went back to the vet for her post-op check up I got to go grocery shopping alone on Friday.  Not exactly a great day for driving to town, the roads were lousy and it was snowing lightly.  I had my list which meant zig-zagging around town.  First stop was Rite Aide to leave Jeff's Rx for a refill, then across the street to Walmart to pick up my Rx and some groceries.   Smoker's Friendly on Main St for Jeff was the next stop and then over to Hannaford's to finish the grocery shopping.  Back to Rite Aide for Jeff's Rx and finally Arby's to treat ourselves to lunch.  When I got home I noticed the rear tire on the driver's side of the Forester was soft again so I told Jeff.  There wasn't any reason to go anywhere on Saturday so the car sat in the driveway with the tire getting softer until Sunday when Jeff went out headed to the pharmacy again...but he didn't get anywhere because by then it was flat!  He tried putting air in it with the small emergency compressor he has in the car but it wouldn't inflate.  Then he tried changing the tire but decided he wasn't a match for the hydraulic drill used to tighten the lug nuts.  About then I suggested calling the motor club (why do I pay the membership fee?) and they sent somebody.  Jeff hoped they'd change the tire but they just put air in it.  He went to town looking for someone to fix the tire but everyone was closed already so this morning he was up and out of here by 7:30am to take the car to have the tire fixed. (Seems there was a hole in it!  Cost $10, not bad...just hope it holds!)
   I have been having some trouble with my left knee for quite awhile now. Been to the doctor for it and have been following his advice but not much improvement until Zoey jumped from the foot of my bed on to the knee...landing squarely on it! I let out a scream and Jeff came running!! When the pain ebbed away I realized the pain had ebbed away! Zoey's landing had done something...pushed the meniscus back in or something. Whatever she did it worked. Don't know for how long but right now my knee feels better. Maybe Zoey could be a massage therapist when she grows up?
   When Jeff got home he had to reattach the mailbox to it's stand at the end of the driveway.  Looks like it lost an argument with a snowplow.

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