Saturday, October 25, 2014

Someone Forgot to Tell The Garden

   We were suppose to get a frost last week but it never happened. The flower box and pots, green bean trellises, green peppers and squash are still looking good!  And inside the greenhouse....
you can see the tomatoes growing to the ceiling with flowers and fruit!  On the other side there are eggplant, peppers and the big blue bucket has potatoes.  The eggplant has purple flowers and a green eggplant.  It had been purple but turned green...not enough sun?  The temperature inside the greenhouse 
was a warm 68 today (about 8 degrees warmer than outside) and that was without a
a heater inside!
   Jeff tried to dig up the sweet potatoes today but came up with nothing.  Not a single one.  These wouldn't have been the big yams like you get in the grocery store but more like an oversized carrot 
but no luck.  Wish us better luck 
next year.
   Oh, yes, and mentioning carrots,
Funky Carrots
Baby Eggplant
  Jeff pulled some carrots today and we had them for dinner.  Now our carrots are not the long, thin ones but short fat ones and they were sweet and tender!  I 'fried' them...boiled them soft, then sauteed them in butter and olive oil with garlic and onions.  Very nice.  Tomorrow's dinner may include the baby eggplant that he picked, too.  I keep telling him those are  'gourmet' eggplant because they don't have many seeds.  Again sweet and tender!
   Time to get back to my knitting.  Got hats on the needles I'd like to finish so I can take them down with me on Monday.  I don't have to work again after that until Nov.21 and I'd like to stock up a little. Photos tomorrow.

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