Friday, March 21, 2014

There's A Week Missing!

  I lost a week.  Last Friday I was planning a re-celebrate Jeff's birthday and to celebrate my cousin Ed's. (Since they're about 18 days apart, one gets to be enjoyed twice.)  Jeff got a nice piece of top round and it was going to be roasted on the Ronco and served with baked potatoes and gravy, fried carrots with pineapple upside down cake for dessert.  Ah, the best laid plans...  I was just getting the cake into the oven on Sunday morning when Ed called to beg a raincheck...felt awful and didn't want to share the germs. OK, no big hassle.  The cake would still be enjoyed.  I got the smaller half of the beef ready and going, the potatoes in the oven and sat down to knit.  Next thing I knew the timer was ringing and dinner was ready.  I stood up and got very, more than usual...but made it into the kitchen.  The roast smelled wonderful!  Dinner was on the table but I couldn't eat.  One mouthful of beef was it.  God, I felt awful. Made it back to my chair by the fire and wrapped up in an afghan.  Jeff brought me a cup of coffee but the aroma of that turned my stomach even more.  Spent the entire evening half out of it  wrapped in my blankety.  I gave up around 9pm and headed for bed when the phone rang and I tried to answer the TV remote.  Even tried to put the remote in the phone holder!  Jeff says I shuffled...not walked...rather like an old woman. I'm not sure I even took my pills...which is not good when you have an artificial heart valve and depend on rat poison (Warfarin)to keep the blood flowing. Missing just 1 day's dose can effect the INR or clotting factor.  And I just got mine back into range after some extra helpings of lettuce.  Yes, that's all it takes to mess things up.  
   Jeff said I was restless all night...and burning up. Before coming to bed, he even moved the cars to clear the case he had to call 911 during the night!  Even the dog knew something was not right...every time Jeff got up during the night Fanny followed him and if he tried to sleep in the other bed 
she would bark and whine until he came back to bed. (It was ok with her for him to doze in the lounge chair in the den...just not for too long.)  By morning we were both beat.  I was so dry my lips were cracked and my nose bled when I tried to blow it. (That's why I snored that night, Jeff.) He tried to give me coffee but it still didn't appeal to my stomach.  OJ...nice cold OJ...was all I could manage. I spent most of Monday wrapped up next to the fire... munching on cheerios and not looking when the dog ate most of them. (Hey
even part of Tuesday, too, until we ran out of clean dishes and Jeff decided to take me to Donna's Dinner. Good choice.) 

   I don't know what caused this bug..a little nausea 
and high fever..but I got dehydrated(taking HCL and Metoprolol and not drinking tends to do that to you). I didn't even feel like knitting until yesterday.  Yea, I guess I was sick. 

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