Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Bat

Jeff and I have always had a difference of opinion about bats getting in to the house.  My experience is if you open the kitchen door and the porch door at the same time after dark, you may be inviting in an unexpected visitor.  He doesn't believe it.  

After Fanny and I got up to 'use the facilities' about 3 am this morning, we had an unexpected...and unwanted visitor...a bat! Tried to catch it w/towel, in a box etc but no luck. Ended up taping a sheet over the bedroom doorway cos the door was swollen and wouldn't close. Took about 2 hours for the bat to get the rhythm of the wind moving the sheet before it got back into the bedroom. Then we just gave up and went into the other bedroom, shut the door and went to bed. Heard it flying around for awhile but no sign of it anywhere.  The last time this happened...about 4-5 years ago, a bat crawled behind the fake brick wall behind the wood stove and crawled back out a couple of days later.  Can't happen this time coz we put all the trim on, closing in the wall.  Don't know where it went today but I'm sure there will be more to come.

OTN:  the size 6mo train sweater is done.  Had to shrink the design a little to fit the number of stitches but it worked.  Just have to sew on all those buttons...wheels, puffs of smoke and of course, the front buttons.  Need a hat to go with that, maybe a brimmed sports cap?  Started a size 6mo 'Little Girl Chic' in gray and pink.  Don't like the shade of gray...a little dark, but the contrast between the pink and gray is, well, chic.  The hat will be a pink roll-brim cloche with white flowers sewn on.  Hope to finish that today...and sew all the buttons on tomorrow.

Fanny Up-Date:  Remember when a friend got high for the first time...eyes dilate, goofy grin, unsteady gait, falling asleep every time they sat still for more than 5 minutes?  Well, that was Fanny when we got home from the vet and it lasted most of the night. The bat invasion did not bother her.  I'm not sure she even saw it!  (She would look up as it flew over head but never jumped or lunged at it.) Jeff had taken the pink bandage off her leg after was a very dirty pink by then.  She was still sore and I think, would have been happy if we just left it on. The bleeding had stopped and she licked it a few times but it was obvious it wasn't bothering her. She climbed up into a chair and slept all evening. This morning it looks ok...she let me touch it and check things out.

8/7/13; 2:45PM: Bat UpDate- we just came in from running errands and out of the corner of my eye I saw an oval shadow on a living room curtain.  I checked and it was the I called in Jeff and he captured it in a towel, releasing in near the woodpile.  Hopefully the Bat will survive.

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