Friday, April 28, 2023

Time to Restock!

      The shop in Cooperstown, Cooper Country Crafts, has been open for about a month now and, luckily, it's time to restock so today after my appointment with the dermatologist in Hartwick Seminary (park of Bassett) we went to Cooperstown.  I hadn't realized how much I had sold so I didn't take much...just a few baseball hats.  Guess I better get knitting and really get my display filled before the 1st big summer holiday hits:  Memorial Day weekend!

  We did some 'exploring' on our trip to the doctors, taking Rte 51 or the Ilion Gorge to Cedarville, then to E Winfield before heading and back to Richfield Springs on Rte 20.  The scenery is nice but Rte 20 is in lousy shape until you get to Otsego Country, then the road really becomes a 'scenic highway.'  We stopped and ate our lunch along the creek in the gorge in one of the large parking areas.  Lunch was McDonald's and while the price wasn't bad the portions weren't 'hearty', leaving us both hungry.  

   After we turned off Rte 20 at the light in Richfield Springs we took Rte 28 to Fly Creek and turned right at the blinking light by the fire house (that road cuts a few miles off between Cooperstown and Index.)  There's a nice settlement in there and today I saw a sign that identified part of it as a bible college.  After the road rejoined Rte 28 we were in Hartwick Seminary before you knew it!  We were a few minutes late for my appointment but I blamed it on traffic.

  I had my regular 'mole check-up' and no new growths were found.  (I had had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my back in 2018 without any problem or regrowth.) Today I had 2 large moles frozen, (1 on my chest and the smaller one on my upper arm.)  The larger one may have been caused by the radiation treatments I had had for Hodgkin's Disease 40 years ago. It's about the size of a nickel!  The smaller one on my upper arms was probably caused by the sun and irritated by clothing.  If they don't drop off in 2-3 weeks, I have to schedule an appointment to finish the job. After that we went to the shop before heading back to the Valley.

      All day Jeff and I had talked about where to go for supper.  When we had gone thru Cedarville this morning, he saw the sign for the Cedarville Country Store (diner) and I saw the Matteson Hotel.  Both looked look for supper but by the time we were headed back to Mohawk, he had decided maybe Denny's would be the best bet and that's where we ended up.  (He had his steak dinner and I had salmon.) Once we got home after stopping there and were greeted by the dogs, I fed them, and we all settled down for a nap. Now everyone is awake and bright-eyed again!  I think I 'll pick a tome from the bag of books I picked up at the library Thursday and settle down for the night. Jeff had the dogs outside and Fanny is stretched out next to me ready to sleep, while Zoey followed Jeff back to his PC.  No knitting tonight, maybe tomorrow!

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