Friday, June 10, 2022


    It's official, I am retired from the craft least for the rest of this year.  And I'm walking without the walker more every day.  At first it was just thru the house, but I've been grocery shopping without it and walking around outside the house without it.  I have to admit, I go a lot slower without the walker...especially outside the house...but I'm trying!!  I used it when I went to the library the other day becoz Ilion library has a ramp and I felt like I need some extra support.  I've also used it whenever we stopped at a restaurant. I don't feel confident with all those double doors and extra rugs!  (Hey, the walker even causes the rugs to roll at the edges, so I'm actually beginning to think it may be time to go back to a cane.)  I haven't started to drive again...I don't feel confident enough, my reflexes aren't quick enough yet!

   Last week Zoey got loose and we both had to work to capture her.  Jeff followed her to Wally's house and got her hooked up to the leash.  By the time they had walked back to the fence between our properties Jeff was slowing down so I took the leash and 'us girls' walked home alone.  I had her cut across the front lawn so she would stop trying to walk so fast and Jeff actually beat us home! I had to be extra careful looking out for chipmunk holes in the lawn!!  Made it without tripping or falling but we both had trouble going up the stairs to the backdoor.  Zoey took a nap when we got inside but Jeff and I had to go to town so no rest for us!

   This morning I had to untangle Zoey from around the pine tree by the porch.  She believes everything is 'one-way' and stops moving when she feels the lead pulling on her neck.  I got her untangled and into the house but the lead was still wrapped somewhat around the tree.  Jeff untangled the lead later.

   Although I am now a retired shop worker, I'm still knitting for the shop so yesterday I started another baseball sweater.  This one is red and white and will be a size 4.  I'm about half-way finished with the v-neck and I hope to finish it this weekend.  Next week I'd like to do some girly sweater and some summer hats.  I want to restock for Independence Day by June 29th and I'll be sure to post photos here first! 


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