Friday, November 15, 2019

PT Has Started!

       Jeff had his first official PT session this afternoon.  We couldn't get a parking space in the lot closest to the PT entrance so we parked in the Visitor's lot at Valley Health and walked down to the door.  It wasn't too bad...down hill...but going back to the car over an hour later it was raining so we went thru the nursing home.  Got lost, had to ask for directions, finally made it to the entrance.  Jeff sat down and I went and got the car.  I don't think we'll do that again.  Next time I'll let him off at the PT entrance and go park the car...maybe just across the road...just someplace closer/more convenient than the Visitor's lot!  He was lucky to get his 2 appointments next week both scheduled for the afternoon: Tuesday at 3pm and Friday at 2pm.  After that we went to Tractor Supply to get dog food and of course, Jeff picked the biggest bag...53lbs!  I couldn't move it in the cart for the clerk to scan it and when I tried to pick it up to put it in the car...nothing happened!!  Jeff got it into the car and that's where it will stay until I use enough of it so I can pick up the bag...probably sometime  next week!
    Before we went to PT, we went to the Ilion Library.  I had a big pile of books to return...and unknown to me, a bigger pile of books to check out!  I took back all the knitting books I had requested on hats...those animals hats, and Fair Isle knitting as well as the novels and mysteries I had hoped to read.  I've been trying to read regular 'type' books but I've given up.  Can't do it even with my glasses on, so I had a couple of books I just couldn't read.  Before I returned the animal hat book I had copies made of the patterns in case the 3 hats in the shop sell this season.  I also had a copy made of the sewing pattern for the lining.  I'm not sure I made it large enough when I copied it.  The directions said to increase it 200% on a copier but I just drew what I hoped was a grid 200% larger than the one in the book and went from there.  It would have been much easier to use a copier but at 11pm on a Saturday night I didn't think I could find anyplace open with one.  Anyway, now I have copies of the directions and the I said, just in case the hats sell.  
    We haven't been taking the dogs out in the car lately...too cold...and they've been pretty good about it.  Not too bad with 'accidents' and no one's pulled the curtain and rod off my window lately (Zoey's newest trick).  Today when we walked in...and were greeted by a chorus of barks and bays...the first thing I noticed was the ziplock bag with the potato chips was on the floor instead of on the table where I left it.  No one was able to get into it...or else the aroma of the Queso-flavored chips put them off...I doubt that, both Fanny and Zoey will willing eat handfuls of Queso-flavored chips when I offered them.  After I had poured us cups of coffee I noticed the ziplock bag of oatmeal squares was missing from the table, too.  Jeff suggested I look on his bed...Fanny's usual spot for taking prizes.  And there was the bag, emptied and cleaned of any and all traces of oatmeal squares!  Jeff tried to question them both as to whether any sharing occurred but neither dog was willing to implicate the other.  I guess I'll just have to make another batch tomorrow.  (I used coconut flour in place of half the white flour to reduce the carbs and it didn't change the flavor at all.)
   One of our former neighbors at camp is involved in a secret santa-type exchange that looked like fun so I signed up.  You only have to send 1 $10 gift to 1 person so I thought it couldn't be too bad.  Well, I've posted the notice 3 days in a row on Facebook and haven't gotten a single response.  I'll try again over the weekend but if I don't get a response I'll have to let Suzanne know and drop out.  This is the notice:

"Hoping to get some friends to do this with me! Its such fun and really gets you in the Christmas spirit! Let me know if you want to be in 💗ANYONE can do this with me!! Who doesn’t LOVE surprise happy mail!!??
🎅🏼🎁💃🏽🎄I am looking for ladies interested in a holiday gift exchange! Doesn’t matter where you live in the US - you are welcome to join. You have to buy one gift valued of at least $10 and send it to your secret sis. (Can be whatever floats your boat!) you will then receive 6-36 gifts in return.
This is so fun! My friends actually did this a few years ago and had a complete blastI Really such a fun experience getting a bunch of fun little gifts in the mail from ladies all over the place! 🎁 there is NO pressure, but if you do this but PLEASE PLAN TO FOLLOW THROUGH. That's what makes it fun! I just sent out my gift to my Secret Sister!

Let me know if you’re interested, and I will send you information about your sister. 💃🏽
We could all use some happy mail! Anyone is welcome to join the fun! Just comment “I’m in” if you will follow thru!"

PM me on Facebook or send me an email if you're interested.  I think this could be fun!

Well, the Secret Sister Christmas exchange was declared a scam on Facebook today so I guess that's that.  Too bad, because it seemed a nice and relatively inexpensive way to have some holiday fun.  Too bad some people have to ruin it everyone.  Another friend sent this link to explain the scam. (9:47 pm, Sat., 11/16/19)

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