Thursday, February 14, 2019

Keeping Up To Date

Woke up this morning to...surprise...MORE SNOW!  It looks so lovely falling slowly thru the air in those nice, big flakes.  Visibility still isn't the best and the driveway is filling up fast so I think today will be spent usual!  I've got 2 size 6 cardigans about ready for is done in Red Heart's Perfectly Pink and the other in Red Heart's Turqua.  My button order arrived on Tuesday so I didn't have any excuse for not sewing on the buttons and finishing those two so I can take some photos but I instead started a sleeveless vest...also a size 6.  It's a Guernsey unisex worked in Red Heart's Soft Navy.  It has taught me that I've forgotten how to count (k3, p4, k3) over and over across a row and I had to rip out almost as much as I knitted! Luckily, that part of the pattern ended several inches ago and it's been smooth knitting for while. When it's time for the yoke it will be back to counting.  I want to do another of these Guernsey vests in gray and I think I should have done that one first!  After the vests I think it will be time for a baseball sweater or two.  And to tell the truth, I can't wait to get back to the smaller size sweaters!! The shop didn't make it into the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce's Hall of Fame, again. We tried but most of the selectees were the 'big boys': Cooperstown Bat Company, Cooperstown Farmer's Market, National Baseball Hall of Fame, Pathfinder Village, Cooperstown Fire Department and Stagecoach Coffee. Hope we're nominated again next year, maybe the 3rd time will be our charm! Thanks to everyone who voted for us.   The hematoma on Fanny's left ear flap has finally started to shrink.  She ripped it open with her toe nail a couple of times and that caused it to bleed but actually it's done what hematoma's are suppose to do...become reabsorbed by the body.  She may always have a 'cauliflower' ear but I don't think it hurts anymore.  When she causes it to bleed I go over it with a wet diaper wipe and rub in some antibiotic cream.  So far, we've held off any infection.  I checked on-line articles and talked with a nurse I know who's dog had the same problem and so far so good!  The risk of infection is actually the major problem with a hematoma so that's what I've tried to avoid.  Fanny also gets a Benadryl at bedtime so she won't be tempted to scratch the ear during the night.  The vet says she's big enough (85-90lbs) that a Benadryl will calm her down without putting her out.  Most hematoma's take up to 6 months to be completely reabsorbed so I think we've got another 3 months to go.  Fanny's ear should be back to normal come Spring. (Oh, the blood stains washed out of the curtains in my room and from all the towels without any problems.  My nurse friend said just to be sure to use cold water.  I'm still not using my new comforter....) Luck must be with us today...the driveway got cleared out already! Wally must really want to go to town or his friends must want to get to their snowmobiles that are stored in his garage.

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