Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Another Busy Day

Today was another busy day spent working in the garden. Jeff dismantled the frame for the greenhouse and re-assembled the pieces to use as trellis for the raised beds(l) and in the gutter garden. A little garden net and some encouragement and the boxes were set. I know they look like soccer nets but soon they will be supporting beans...like these black beans that Jeff sprouted by wrapping a handful of dry beans in a wet paper towel and storing it in a ziplock bag for a couple of days. He just transferred them to a bed of potting soil in a covered plastic container. When they root and form leaves they will be planted in the the 4th corner box in the garden.
I got some more lawn mowed and Jeff re-seeded what had been an ill-placed flower bed that was more bother and it was worth. The daffodil bulbs were easy to dig up but the ferns and day lilies were another story and took me several days to get all of them dug up and moved. We put up the 2 hummingbird feeders and I hung a pot of red petunias in the pine tree. Hope that enough to encourage the hummingbirds to visit. There's a pot of Wave Petunias for the gutter garden, too. Neither of us liked the dead pine branches that hung over the fire pit so today I got my hack saw intending to do a little pruning but Jeff took the hint and did the job with the saws-all. Much easier for me coz I would have had to get the ladder and he didn't need it! Now it's much sunnier sitting there during the day. It was always a nice spot to sit and knit but now it's even better. I proved it by working on a sock for a friend's wife this afternoon during my 'breaks'.

I'm beginning to think we have a zoo what with the snakes, chipmunks and now this turtle. Couldn't tell if it was a small snapper and didn't want to get close enough to find out. He moves pretty fast, too! Saw him in the driveway when we came in and by the time we parked the car and walked back to him, he had made it into the field across from the house.

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