Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We Have Water!

We have water again in the kitchen sink! Jeff connected the reverse-osmosis filter and the water lines last night and we were in business! (No leaks under the sink but one from the base of the facet.) The water is a little discolored...from turning the water on and off so many times...but that is clearing up and I can't smell sulfur at all...but then I usually don't. When Jeff goes up today we'll let his nose be the judge! Under the sink is a maze of narrow tubing...red, yellow, green, blue & black...for the filter system, a small holding tank and the 3-filter system. Not much room let for soap and paper towels, guess I'll have to find a new home for them. This morning before I came to work I washed the kitchen window & curtain, the open shelves on both sides of the window and all the knic-knacs....sawdust everywhere!! That's the 3rd time I've cleaned up sawdust on that side of the kitchen. It seems to settle on everything over night!! The counter patch will be my job. I'll do before and after photos to post here. Wish me luck!!

Today Jeff's taking about tilling the garden. At least getting the winter leaf cover tilled in. He wants to get bone meal, blood meal and organic gypsum to till in with the compost to supplement it. We're planning on changing the style of the garden. Keeping it in 'farm' rows with 'square foot' boxes in each corner and 2 barrels along each side will more than double our production. We're planning on putting in some strawberries and I've got a blackberry waiting in the living room for a new home. Jeff's got 4 seed trays (72 cells each) started with tomatoes and peppers under grow lights in his apartment. And his attempt at hydroponics has produced pepper plants and a huge tomato plant that is developing flowers already!

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