Friday, October 7, 2011


Jeff was disappointed with the garlic our garden produced this year. He used the garlic we had gotten at the workshop held at the library last year. It was his first try at growing it and between inexperience, the weather and a late start we didn't get much. I mentioned this to my cousin Tom who's been very successful at growing garlic at his place in Berne, NY and he offered to send us some seed garlic. It arrived yesterday and if those cloves are seed and an indication of how big the bulb was all I can say is WOW! We'll be putting them in next week. Jeff has to pull the beets and carrots, dig the sweet potatoes ( with crossed fingers!) and pick the rest of the peppers...sweet yellow bananas and scottish peppers that started out green, turned yellow and are now on their way to orange...and maybe red? The scottish are suppose to be hot...hope so! He doesn't think the beets or carrots will be very big...they were late getting thinned...but as long as there are some.... The lettuce this year was a waste of space. Jeff's head lettuce never headed and my leaf lettuce got tough fast. Better luck next year. His purple green beans have been fantastic! I picked them again Wednesday. Our butternut squash are ready to pick...we only got 2, there were others but they just didn't grow. And we only picked 2 zucchini...something beat me to them every time! I picked the last of the summer squash Wednesday, too. And lemon cucumbers...ever hear of lemon cucumber pickles? I'll let you know how that turns out.

In between garden adventures I've been busy knitting... beaded necklaces with #3 cotton crochet thread on size US2's ( I'm getting better at pre-stringing the beads), another baseball sweater set for the shop, and Jeff's next pair of socks. Got a couple winter swaps coming a scarf and the other a hat...that I'm looking forward to doing. Pictures to come later.

We're suppose to go out for fish-fry tonight but we've both been battling colds so I don't know if we'll make it. Hope so!

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