Friday, March 1, 2024

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

    Today is Jeff's birthday. He is 71 years old...although today I think he feels older.  Yesterday was not a day either of us want to repeat soon...if ever.  By the way, Jeff still has not opened the ash drawer to see what was burning in it.

   In honor of his birthday, I thought I'd do something special and decided to make a plate of deviled eggs for Jeff.  So, last night between supper (tomato soup and crackers) and bedtime (t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, 2 blankets and a beagle), I finally got 6 eggs boiled, cooled down and put in the refrigerator.  This morning, I started to peel the eggs even before I made coffee!  Mother Nature must have decided to apologize for lousy the day we had yesterday, because the eggshells came off those eggs like nothing!!  None of the shells stuck and none of the whites broke up and I soon had a bowl of egg yolks ready to be crushed!  That was when I noticed we had very little mayonnaise left in the jar.  That was ok because I had seen a recipe on FB that called for using cream cheese in deviled eggs and I had half a small container of whipped cream cheese!  (Bagels and cream cheese had been on my breakfast menu last week and there is always cream cheese left over!)  Cream cheese and mayo mixed together were a little thick, so I put in a squirt of horseradish relish and another of yellow mustard before mixing in onion and garlic powder, and salt and pepper.  Oh, and a dash of hot sauce, too!  Tasted ok to me.  I cut the egg whites the long way and they were all ready to be filled.  I thought I'd get a little fancy, so I put the filling in a small plastic bag, and tried to pipe the stuffing into bottoms but I guess I don't know my own strength because the bag started to split apart between my fingers and the filling oozed out the top (zipped shut??  Hardly!) all over my fingers.  I gave up and went back to spooning it in.  I had more than enough to fill the 12 halves and boy, were they filled!  (I had forgotten to buy paprika so I couldn't make them look pretty but I don't think Jeff minded.)

   I told Jeff he had deviled eggs in the refrigerator and started to clean up.  The dogs were more than happy to help clean my hands and they seemed to enjoy the deviled egg filling and I think Jeff did, too, because he had 4 halves for breakfast!  (The only suggestion he made was to use less of the horseradish relish next time!) I think what's left will be his

lunch.  We're suppose to go out for supper tonight but that will be covered on the next posting here!  Happy Birthday, Jeff!

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