Monday, February 22, 2021

More Snow

    At first the forecast called for 1-3" of new snow today but by this morning it had gone up to 4" and we got it!  Slowly all day it snowed.  Sometimes visibility went down to feet, other times it was blocks.  The roads weren't in great condition but they were passable and we had some errands to do so around 1pm we headed for town.  It took a firm push on the gas pedal to get thru the snow the plows had already put in the mouth of the driveway and Jeff swing a little wide barely missing the mailbox but once we were on pavement it wasn't too bad. Everyone seemed to be driving safely. And I was glad he was driving!!   

    We went to Herkimer and did what we had to before driving thru Mohawk to Ilion and the library (instead of going on Rte 5), and went back the same way.  After a stop at Tractor Supply in Herkimer (and Burger King for chicken nuggets for the dogs) we headed for home.  By then Smalls Bush Rd wasn't in very good condition at all, and the plow had filled in our driveway quite well so when Jeff signaled to turn left into our driveway he had to really slow down and guess where to find our driveway.  The white truck behind us didn't slow down enough for him so he hit the gas to go thru the snow in what he hoped was the mouth of the driveway.  Unfortunately, the car didn't make it clear into the driveway and slid into the snowbank.  Jeff tried rocking the car back and forth but it wasn't moving.  As he got out to see how far we slid into the field, a beat-up old red pickup truck with a plow stopped and the driver asked if we needed help.  Jeff thanked the guy and offered him $$ and hot coffee but he said no, he had to get his plow into the shop to have it fixed.  Neither one of us recognized the driver but he pulled the car out of the snow bank.  Jeff was surprised a stranger would do that.  It's nice to know there are still good people left in the world.  

   It gave us something to think about, too.  We were stuck at the end of our driveway within walking distance to our house but with a large bag of dog food and a bag of library books it would have been a very interesting walk to the house thru the snow.  And if the car had stayed there all night, it would have most likely been buried under the snow so when the garbage truck did managed to back into the driveway in the morning, it wouldn't have been snow that would have stopped it's progress but our car. 

   Oh, and the forecast is for a couple more inches tonight.   

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