Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Apple Blossom Time...Day 3

   Today is Day 3 of Apple Blossom Time...
and I saw a couple of trees in blossom in Wally's yard!  When we moved up here to the little house in the little woods in 1962, Wally's parents had a small orchard between the horse pastures.  They would spray and trim it every year, and it produced some nice apples.  Now all that's left is a 1 or 2 old trees, some stumps and one new tree that Wally planted for Dot several years ago.  He still trims them yearly but doesn't spray any more (and he doesn't get good or many apples).  I read on Google yesterday that you needed more than 1 tree and some pollinators (bees, butterflies, etc) to get apples from your trees.  You actually needed a different type of apple tree to insure a good cross-pollination.  This may be that year!!  Today while we ate our BK lunch down by the river, Jeff pointed out a couple of what he thought were probably crab apple trees on the island in the river across from the Maytan Fishing Site where we were.  On the ride home, we noticed the orchard on the curve on Protection Ave across from Creekside Courts (the housing project) was in full bloom, too.  And I think I remember small orchard behind us here on Smallsbush, Eatonville and Burt Roads.  I think the bees and their buddies will have plenty to keep them busy.  At least, I hope so!
   We went out today to get flowers at Annutto's Greenhouse for the cemeteries (for my parents and for my cousin's dad).  I had read in the news that the veterans organizations weren't going to put American flags on veterans' graves this year until after July 4th (still part of the virus shut down).  When we stopped at Walmart I found 4 small (4") flags in a bundle for $1.98 and thought that 2 would look good in each flower pot so I got them, 
(Better than nothing, huh?)  A friend had told me that Mohawk and N Columbia had defied the order and already put the veterans' markers and flags out but I hadn't seen any signs of
that at St Mary's or the Orthodox cemeteries by the house and I haven't been to Calvary since last summer.  When we got home I noticed that St Mary's had put the markers & flags out today but I think I'm going to go ahead and put the mini-flags in the pots.  Can't ever have too many American flags around, can you?  Besides, it looks rather cute, wouldn't you say?
   I know we spoil our dogs, so because we left them home today we got them each an order of BK chicken nuggets ($1/order).  (Don't try to give them McD's...they know the difference and don't care for them!)  When we got home we found that they had helped themselves to the Nabisco graham crackers from the kitchen table...2 unopened bundles were gone. I had just opened the box today!
The box was ripped up and was on the living room floor with one of the brown wax wrappers and the other wax paper wrapper was in Jeff's room with the big jar of peanut butter...but the top was still on it!  Gee, they couldn't have peanut butter on their graham crackers. But it didn't stop them from scarfing down the chicken nuggets and some dog food!!

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