Saturday, April 4, 2020

'Shelter in Place' Goes On!

   The 'Shelter in Place' order is still in force but it depends where you are how well it is being followed.  Some people don't believe the situation is as bad as it is being portrayed and don't follow it.  Others are going to the other extreme and you'll see people walking about wearing masks and gloves.  A little common sense and caution is probably what's needed.  We're lucky we don't live in a crowded development or apartment house.  The number of people we usually mingle with on a daily basis is actually less than 1/day.  I'm thankful for our country home and that we're retired.  We're limiting our trips to town to 1 or 2 per week...groceries and Rx's.  Most of our medical appointment have been postponed and I even had one appointment with a doctor conducted over the phone!   I talk with Jeff's sister, Sherry, my cousin, Ed, and Maggie, my long-time friend on a rotating basis thru the week (usually 1/day).  Throw in a random call from one of Jeff's nephews and his brother and that's about the total of our contact with the outside world.  Jeff and I both use the internet to stay in touch with others but it's not like talking to someone on the phone...or face to face!.  We just decided not to push our luck and try to host a family dinner on Easter even tho it would only be 3 or 4 people.  It will be lonely but I think I may have a family dinner when it's over and include Jeff's nephews and brother.
   In the meantime I have been reading and usual.  I've finished most my library books...I can hardly wait until I can get another Charles Finch mystery book to read(!)...and have started to read Truman by David McCullough again.  The copy of the book that was given to me by another longtime friend is in regular-size font and I found it very difficult to read it for long periods of time.  I picked it up one night last week and found that I had left Harry Truman when he was a county judge.  I started reading it again and now I've got him thru his vice presidency and just sworn-in as President.   I can't read it for very long but I'm reading it every night!
   I've got the 2nd Boar Hunt Capelet about finished...just got to bindoff the collar and wash and block it.  I must have paid more attention to the directions this time because it came out a little bigger.  I like it even more!!  I was going to do a pair of fingerless mitts called The Love 
Triangle Arm Warmers (Claire, Jamie and Frank) with the same yarn but I forgot to look for that yarn today.  Instead I got yarn to do a toddler hoodie that I got as a special order this week.  It will make a nice change to my routine and should go quickly.  Then it will be back to the 18th century and my Highland knits!  
   There is no time frame for when the shop will reopen in Cooperstown this year.  Judy is 'sheltering in place' on Grand Cayman Island where their winter house is because the airport there is closed until April 14th.  If it reopens then...and she can get a flight to the US...she will probably face a 2 week self-quarantine when she gets home.  That would make it the end of April before any work would be started on the shop.   And with the Hall of Fame and the other museums closed until June 1st at the earliest,  who know when things will get back to normal.  It's hard to run a tourist town without tourists
   I checked around the house today for signs of spring flowers.  The lilacs have started to bud and the day lilies are about 4-5" tall.  The peonies have broken thru the leaves on the ground but the trillium hasn't.  And there is a bunch of daffodils forming flower buds outside the window by my PC.   I'd say we were just about right on schedule with the Spring flowers!

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