Thursday, April 18, 2019

Another Adventure

      We had errands to run yesterday but I never
thought it would end like it did.  It was a day from hell...and I don't know how it could have got much worse., we both...needed fasting blood work this week and I needed mine done yesterday at the 
latest, because I'm going to be switching from a once weekly Fosamax in pill form to a once yearly infusion. We finally made it down to the clinic around 11am and didn't have long to wait. The tech tried to draw blood from my left arm w/o success a couple of times and then from the right arm...this time with success. That completed we headed to Mohawk to Mona's Diner (you know, the Purple Place)for brunch...I really wanted some coffee!! A quick trip to the Ilion Library was followed by a stop at Aldi's where we found spiral hams on sale for $.65/lb. (regular price was $1.69)! With our Easter dinner and a few other things we headed back to Herkimer but couldn't cross the bridge to go east on Rt.5 because of construction
so I turned on to Rte.5S instead. We had barely made it to Mohawk when something snapped under the car! I pulled over to the side of the road as soon as I could and Jeff got out to check. Tires? Ok. (I had thought we had had a blow out.) He looked under the car and really couldn't see least nothing was hanging! He looked under the hood and all he could figurer out was that something had snapped. Handing me the cell phone Jeff said to call Dave and get a tow truck.
   I have a list of phone numbers in the  back of the pocket calendar that I carry in my purse but, of course I couldn't find it.  Jeff told me to dial 411 and I eventually got the number for Hillslide Repairs and ordered a tow truck. (We had to call them back and leave our cell number because neither one of us knew it and Jeff had to look it up on the phone first.)
   I tried calling my cousin Ed to ask for a ride home
for the dogs, grocery bag and me but there was no answer. The same happened when I tried Wally's phone. So we sat in the car on the side of the road
within walking distance of the bridge between Herkimer and Mohawk for about an hour before the tow truck arrived. It was one of the flat-bed types so Jeff and I got to ride in the truck while the dogs and groceries stayed in the car. (The dogs were not happy with this least Zoey was vocal about it.  Fanny is more the stoic/silent type.)  The driver
took us home before taking the Forester away. Don't know what's wrong, how much it will cost to fix it or how long it will take. But we made it home safe and sound and will be staying here for some time.  My infusion is scheduled for next Thursday and probably will have to be rescheduled...but that's the only appointment on the calendar for the next 2 weeks.
Hopefully, Dave will be able to get the Forester back in running order in that time.

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