Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rain at last!

We finally got some of the rain we need...the TV weather man said we got about 2" in the last 24 hours but were still 4" behind. Jeff's been tilling between the rows and hoeing around the plants so we had no run off at all...all the rain was absorbed into the garden. We had a little damage...a couple of plants had been knocked down but Jeff put in more support poles around them this afternoon and everything looks good now.

Today was spent in the ER at St Luke's Hospital in Utica. Jeff got a phone call this morning that his sister was there after an accident. After checking up on Sherry in the ER, we retrieved her car from the scene and took it to her house. We let her dog Max out while Jeff filled the reservoir for her gutter garden and when we were ready to go back to the ER I scooped up Max and put him in his cage before he even knew what was happening. Sherry had warned me that it would not be an easy task but poor Max never knew what was happening until the cage door shut. Sherry wasn't hurt badly but will be sore for a few days. One of today's highlights was watching 3 huge Air Force planes drop out of the clouds on their way to land at Griffiss. It was so unusual...suddenly there they were, one by one lining up for their final approaches. Awesome. Wish my camera had been handy.

I did manage to get another sweater started while we were cooling our heels in the ER...that's why I never go out w/o a project OTN in my bag.

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