Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today's the Day!

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my heart valve replacement. Seems like I've been falling asleep to the boom-boom of my St. Jude mechanical valve a lot longer than 3 years but that's all it's been. And we still don't have my clotting factor under total control. Just about anything can throw it for a loop...I'm in one now. My number has been 2.2 for 2 weeks...which makes it just a little too thick for my good. On top of that I'm vitamin D deficient which is probably causing what's left of my thyroid to work over time...T3 factor isn't becoming T4 fast enough (or something like that). It leaves me very tired and sluggish. My doct0r was talking about ultrasound to see how the cysts are growing but I think vitamin D supplements will probably solve my problem. And with Spring coming soon there's a lot of work to be done in the garden. The pile of seed catalogs next to Jeff's chair is growing and he's got some seeds sprouting in the hydroponic system in his living room. He's got some alternative methods planned to increase our garden's production. Pictures will follow. And I listened to my cousin Jo, got a statue of St Joseph and started a novena and guess what?? The camp sold!!! Mom's a little sad that it's sold and we're leaving most of what's up there but where are we suppose to put a full trailer of furniture??? Hopefully, what isn't wanted by the new folks will make it's way across Rte 8 to TWIGS and be sold this summer. We had over 30 great years up there but it's time for a change. Keep checking here for the latest on the garden and our collective health!

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