Friday, February 6, 2009

Winter Doldrums

I've got a bad case of the winter knitting doldrums. I'm tired of working on my February Lady Sweater eventho I'm more than half way finished with the body and the end's in sight! I got 2 books thru the library--Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Workshop and One Ball Knits Accessories by Fatema Habibur-Rahman-and found a moebius pattern in the One Ball Knits that I'd like to do. How would a ribbon yarn on size 11 needles work for the moebius? I wear a lot of black and the ribbon yarn I have is quite colorful. I've also got a pair baby socks on the needles trying to use up some of the left-over yarn from the baby sweaters already in the 'finished bag'. One of the girls at my Tuesday Knitting Group showed me how to use 2 circular needles instead of 4 dp and I love the method!

This is Day 21 of Fred's Vest's trip to China and that's adding to my restlessness. I want to see a photo of him wearing it!! He spent 21 days of his 48 day vacation in the warm south of China at Nanning...near Vietman...doing 1 & 2 day trips around the area. But in near silence...few emails. (And that may have added to my restlessness, too!) Anyway, he's in Luzhou ready to get back to teaching again. He keeps telling me...and his parents... that he's safer in China than in the USA but a 6'2, 240#, blond, blue-eyed man who doesn't speak Chinese in a land of 5'5' black-haired people who don't speak English tends to stand out and we worry...and that really infuriates his 58-yr-old ego! Oh, well, at least he knows we care. Now what should I knit for him next? So far he's gotten 2 pairs of socks and the vest. It doesn't snow in Luzhou, so there's no need for gloves or mittens or scarves. I'm open to suggestions.

Got to get back to work, the book delivery just got here and there's things to do! Mary T

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