Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

     Yesterday we went with my cousin, Ed, his cousin, Carolyn, and her sister-in-law, Delores, to the H.C. Smith Benefit Club, in St. Johnsville, NY for their annual Thanksgiving dinner.

Besides the fact I didn't have to clean house or cook a big meal, that was the best turkey dinner I had in a very long time! Served buffet style, you had your choice of white or dark meat (or both), mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, stuffing (out of this world!!) , and gravy. And you could have seconds! (Yes, Jeff and Ed did!)

The dessert table was overloaded with pie! We all picked a different variety, so I can say all the pies were delicious!

Delores's grandson told us he and his father (there were others) delivered over 400 meals as far as Canajoharie! There was a steady stream of take-out dinners, too. Over 40 turkeys were cooked for this feast and I'd be surprised if there were any leftovers! (They did run out of squash but that wasn't a shame to me!)

This was a 'free will donation' meal and was better that some you could have gotten in a fancy restaurant. Bread and butter and cranberry sauce was also on each table. They served soft drinks, milk (white & chocolate), eggnog, fruit juices and punch but no coffee. On the way out, Ed said we'd have to remember this for next year! Oh, yes!!!

p.s. When we got home, I made a pot of coffee and Jeff, Ed and I drank our fill!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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