Sunday, October 30, 2022

Read...It's Good for You!


   This is the way I've been feeling lately.  It's so nice to be able to roll over and pick up a book!  After a chapter or 2, I may feel like knitting so I pick up my needles and work for another hour or so.  By then the dogs are awake so I get up and let them out, fill their bowls and pour myself a cup of coffee. We move to my PC and they go back to sleep...Fanny on the sofa and Zoey on the pillow on the floor between us.  After I've had a couple of cups of coffee and a toasted bagel, read my emails and checked out what's new on Facebook, I'm ready to start my day...but Jeff is still in bed!!  By then my book is calling me again, so I may head back to my room and read for awhile.  As soon as I'm settled the dogs are coming in to get comfortable on the floor.  I've got an old queen-size comforter folded into quarters that just fits between my bed and highboy.  It makes life a little interesting walking over it, but I can put one hand on the bed and the other on the top of the highboy to steady myself. Climbing over the dogs just adds to the experience!  Zoey is the easy part; Fanny usually lets me get half-way over her when she suddenly gets up!  I got a fleece dog throw that was supposed to fit over a sofa, but it doesn't, so it's on top of the comforter.  Fanny likes it, Zoey doesn't and manages to roll up part of it, so she doesn't have to lay on it.  A prima donna or what?  Sometimes they're in opposite corners.  Sometimes they're back-to-back or nose to tail in the middle.  I think the colder the night is the closer they get.  They both snore (Jeff says all 3 females in that room snore! He should talk!!)) but at different pitches. Instead of keeping me awake I'm finding it rather soothing to sleep by.  In fact, when one of them leaves the room for the couch or Jeff's room, I wake up because the noise is different!  

   There has been a lot of postings on Facebook about reading today.  I have to admit that the best 14-15 years of my work life were probably spent at the library.  I can't imagine not having books in my life.  I think I have 8 or 9 on request right now.  I just picked up 7 Thursday!!  (And I've read 5 of them over the weekend.)  

   Time to get back to...reading! 

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