Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Spring Opening and Other Stuff

   We had our annual Spring meeting of Cooper Country Crafts yesterday.  The plan was to meet in the parking lot so everyone was told to bring a lawn chair.  Judy made arrangement with the owner of the empty store next door to us to use their building if the weather wasn't fit for sitting outside so we met inside.  There were 20 of us sitting in a circle, looked like we were having a séance or a marshmallow roast but there wasn't an open fire in the middle and it would have been welcome!!  It was cold in there!!  The temperature was set at 55 and there was no way we could raise it so we didn't waste time and got our business done.

   Among other things, Judy went over what was suppose to be put on sales slips, things like the crafters number and inventory number if they use one, which sales tax percentage  to use for what and other things that she stresses each year but members 'forget' or simply don't bother to use.  Then the calendar was passed around, month by month, for members to sign up for work days.  I had thought I'd try to be 15% again this year but with not wanting to work July, August or December I had a had time coming up with the right number of days to be 20%!  I'll have to keep checking the calendar each time I work and try to pick up the 2 days I lack.  I didn't enjoy the ride to Cooperstown yesterday.  The car behaved beautifully and the road was clear, I just didn't like it.  I guess staying at 20% was probably best.

   I got to Cooperstown to late to go to lunch with some of the member so I just put up my display and looked around the shop.  We've got new members Jane and Bob Jones who do pet treats.  I love their packaging!!  Cute and very professional.  Their display was a little cluttered but Judy will soon ratify that!  I bought some dog and cat treats to include in my Yarn Pal package.  

    I didn't take any photos of my display because I forgot my camera but I still have 2 new 'Sheep in the Meadow' sweaters to finish sewing buttons on to so I'll photograph them before I take them to the shop on Tuesday (I have a MD appt. in Hartwick Seminary).  I didn't have enough of the Outlander collection to leave...and no room for I decided to put one of the cowls in my Yarn Pal package. I didn't bring my new version of the train sweater either because while working in yarn ends I clipped to close to the sweater and cut where I wasn't suppose to. (IKES!!)  Have to fix that before it goes down.  Got a 2nd Train about ready for buttons, too. I filled my hat rack but there are still 4 or 5 new hats waiting to be finished and taken down.

   Monday, Jeff ordered his boat at Tractor Supply in Herkimer.  Because he paid for it as he ordered it in the store, he got a discount on the shipping which made him happy.  In two weeks his boat will be here!  He showed me a video of it on Facebook and it looks rather nice.

It's a fishing kayak called a Pelican 
Catch Power 100,  9'9" long and a little wide than regular fishing kayaks. It comes prewired with a special compartment so all he has to do is set in the battery and hook it up, and has another separate, watertight compartment for his wallet/phone.  He wanted to pay in cash for it but they wouldn't accept it!?!  Jeff doesn't use credit cards.  He had to use a Gift card (they didn't charge him for it) and then he had to demand/argue for a receipt.  He was told it would be on his computer at home and he could just print it but he wouldn't leave the store without one in his hand and finally they just printed it for him.  His reasoning was what if it was lost in 'the cloud', or my printer wouldn't print it or some other problem. He even threatened to cancel the order and demand a refund (about $1000)before they'd print it!! Now all there is left to do is to get a trailer hitch put on the car and reoutfit/register/insure our trailer.  I'm paying for the hitch(and life jacket) because I do not want him trying to put the boat on top of the car alone.  I told him I do not want a cop/trooper calling me to say Jeff had a heart attack and died putting the boat on the car.  He said what if they called and said he had a heart attack and died trying to land a 100lb cat fish in the Mohawk River?  I said I wouldn't care then because I'd know he died happy.  That shut him up!  End of argument,  circle the date on the calendar!! I won the argument!!

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