Sunday, July 26, 2020

Time For An Adventure!

    Zoey, our  4 yr old Beagle, had an adventure this morning.  Jeff usually has her out on a long lead every morning and Zoey likes sitting under the apple tree watching Wally's yard.  Jeff stayed outside with her for 10-15 mins then came back in to refill his coffee cup and told me to keep an ear out for Zoey's cry to come in.  (She usually doesn't bark but will squeak or cry a little when she's ready.)  After 30-40 minutes I asked him is she was still under the apple tree and he said he couldn't see her so I went to the door expecting to find her sitting there but all I found was what was left of her lead.  I went back in and quickly put on some shoes and called him  He got on the Cub Cadet and I stated walking around the yard.  When I saw her down by Wally's garage I pointed her out to Jeff and he headed down there.  Once Zoey saw him coming she headed straight towards him!  Jeff didn't stop to load her into the wagon but just kept her headed towards me.  Zoey ran right up to me and Fanny...who checked her out quickly!  We all come into the house for some cold water and after a snack of peanutbutter and pretzels Zoey decided it was nap time.
Time for a nap?
Wally has some company this weekend including a long-haired dachshund who they've let wander around loose...and it's wandered up here a couple of times. Zoey and that dog have had a few barking exchanges, too.  I think Zoey was just looking for that dog but no one was home when she visited.  It's a good thing Zoey didn't decided to chase a rabbit or squirrel on her way down because with a couple of yards of lead behind her if she had gone into the old horse pastures on either side of the driveway she would have been bound to get tangled in the brush!  And that would have been a mess!!

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