Tuesday, December 4, 2018

It's December Already?

    November seems to have flown by.  I kept busy knitting for the shop...things finally started to sell so maybe all those cold, wet days weren't so bad after all.  The shop held our annual Open House on Black Friday weekend and it went over quite well.   Sales for the weekend were quite good and November ended up being our best sales month ever.  I even got an order for a toddler sweater!  Sales have slowed down in December but it's still early and who knows, they might pick up again. In the mean time, I'm trying to keep my display full...took 2 sweaters (a size 4 Black Sheep cardigan and a size 2 Flowers and Lace cardigan) down with me yesterday.  It still looks sparse but at least there are a few sweaters there!  My favorite Holiday sweater...a size 4 Polar Express hoodie...was still there (I finished that one for the Open House). I was told that a customer was asking if I'd do that hoodie in a larger size.  Of course, she was told but not now.  It's too late for this year...sorry.  Next season we're going to put a sign in the sweater display explaining how to order something in a different size/color.  Maybe that will help generate some more sales??
   In the meantime, I made 5 men's beanies for my cousin's granddaughter in Colorado.  Michaela and her husband Chris front a charity that provides Christmas breakfast and small presents for homeless men.  Carol, Michaela's grandmother, was my favorite cousin and a good friend.  I miss her as much as I miss my own mom so I made and donated the hats in her memory.
   I even  finished a pair of socks that kept getting buried in my project bag that my cousin Jim had ordered last spring. They were just about finished...just needed the loose ends worked in, but every time they surfaced they were pushed back to the bottom of the bag!!  I think Jim will really be surprised when he found them in his mailbox yesterday or today (according to the Herkimer Post Office). That leaves me with that toddler sweater that was ordered on Black Friday which is just about finished.  I may have to do some hats and leg warmers to take to fill in the empty spaces when I go down to work my last day of the season on Dec. 16th.  Hopefully, a lot of last minute shoppers will see them and....  You see, this year the shop's got 2 video commercials.   One is 'Christmas in Cooperstown' on WKTV Channel 2 out of Utica and the other is 'PixieQuest', an online contest out of Oneonta.  It's nice to keep up with the times and have more than just 'print' ads.  The shop looks very good in both videos.  (That's Judy in the 'PixieQuest' and no, she's not for sale!) If you get a chance to see either of them, let me know what you think.
  Right now, it's time to start supper and warm up this house.  I want to finish that sweater tonight and I've got socks to work on for Christmas presents, too.  As long as it doesn't snow hard...or stay on the ground for long, I'll be ready for Christmas when it gets here!!

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