Spring is Here!
Jeff's been wanting to try out a Mantis tiller so he rented one this morning. It seems to work well in the boxes but the ground between the boxes...in the rows...is too hard for it to do much good. We'll have to stay with the 'old fashion' method there...
pitch fork and spade! Jeff's got some pepper plants he wants to put in and Fanny's decided to try plant a dog biscuit. Don't know if it will grow...or even be there when she checks it again. I'm sure there are plenty of critters who will be willing to dig it up for her! Last night a few...which ones I don't know, I wasn't going outside to investigate... woke her up around midnight. Fanny sat up in bed to look out the window and growled while the hair on the back of her neck stood up (so did mine!). She carried on for about 10 minutes, even barking a little. (She's so brave when she's inside and it's outside!) Finally she went back to sleep...but I stayed a wake for awhile longer...just making sure it was gone.
My Baby Hat Display |
I worked in the shop in Cooperstown yesterday and while the day was pleasant it was very slow in the shop. I had 3 sales all day...none of them mine! Two shop members came in and the man from the store next door so there were people to talk to. I managed to bring yarn to do baby socks but the wrong needles and yarn and needles for socks for me but no pattern, so I had the day off from knitting. My right hand was thankful. It looks like a Vulcan salute most of the time now because of the way...and amount of time...I knit.
Thankfully it hurts only in the morning and 10 minutes of washing dishes helps. My MD has suggested PT but it doesn't hurt that much and as long as hot water helps I can't see it. "Live long and prosper".
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