Jeff's been busy cleaning the gutters and setting up the rain barrels. Of course, it hasn't really rained since he did it, but he's ready when it does!
of potatoes started and hopefully we'll get a nice
harvest. Jeff also put in a variety of peppers and he just started buying flats of sweet corn. He finally found some pole beans and planted those last night. The flower rockets in the top steps of the corner boxes are doing well, too. Can't wait until they flower!
The fashion show in Cooperstown had great results for us. The model took home the bracelet she wore because her grandmother bought it for her, the shop 'paid her' for modeling with a gift of the shrug...which made her happy... and another woman who had been at the show came into the shop and bought another shrug and the sundress it was shown with. That's 2 sold shrugs for me, l sundress for Sharon and the bracelet for Anita. I guess we'll do the show again next year!
My PC is totally dead leaving me with my net book which has a screwed up caps lock key and faulty punctuation...and no audio. At least I can read emails! So I'm at the library writing this entry. Guess I'll be doing this once or twice a week for a month or two or until I get a new PC. Oh, well, life, huh?!?
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