Packages, Snowblowrs and Whatever
I checked at the bank to make sure my math was right then informed Jeff that he could start shopping for that riding mower he has his heart set long as he keeps the mower with snow blower attachment within the $$ limit I set. If he can find a used/rebuilt John Deere tractor for a decent price he can buy a new blower attachment. Or he can go to Tractor Supply and look at their Cub Cadets. Maybe even go to the Cub Cadet dealer and see about a rebuilt one there. I don't care which make he buys or where, just don't ask me to learn to drive it. He can now mow the majority of the lawn...I'll do the edging and around the trees and what-have-you's. This was his idea and I'm willing to compromise. I'll pay for it but I won't use it. And as for blowing the snow....
I finally got my Yarn Pal package put together and in the mail today. When I took it to the post office the young guy behind the counter asked what country it was going to. It was clearly addressed to Glasgow, Scotland. What country did he think it was going to? No comment on our educational system. The package has several skeins of yarn, some chocolate that I bought in the piece is in the shape of a sheep!...a book of patterns, stitch markers and hand lotion all in a project bag that I finally finished with Zoey's help (wanted or not). I put everything in the project bag and then put the project bag in a giant Ziploc bag before putting it in the mailer. It was a tight fit and hopefully that will help the sheep from breaking into too many pieces! I also put a shop brochure and one of my business cards as well as a letter I wrote in a card. I had some hand drawn postcards of Cooperstown landmarks that I was suppose to put in the package but I don't know if I did or not. Hope I did since I can't find them.... I won't tell you how much postage was and the package weighted 5 lbs! I just hope my Yarn Pal doesn't have to pay duty on it. I also sent a thank you note to Heather, my Yarn Pal in England, for the great package she recently sent me. I sent her a chocolate sheep, too, and that package cost $12.00.
I switched work days with a friend in the shop and now I have to work tomorrow afternoon. Half-days aren't bad and this will be my first time going in from 1:30 to 5pm. Zoey is such a handful I haven't got much knitting done. She loves balls of yarn and can ferret them out no matter where I stash them. I'm going to try and get a hat done tonight.
I have an appointment with an ophthalmological surgeon Monday morning to see if I'm a candidate for cataract surgery. If Dr. Mann approves me, he'll schedule my procedure. Because of my mechanical heart valve I'll have to bridge off of Warfarin and give myself injections of Heparin for several days before and after the procedure. I had to do that when I had the meniscus in my left knee repaired before I retired and did not like it. I don't think I'll like it any better this time but if it helps my vision.... Anyway, I'll know on Monday.
Monday afternoon Fanny's scheduled for another mani-pedi at the groomer on the corner of Main St. and Park Ave. in Herkimer. Zoey needs a mani-pedi too...boy, are her nails sharp!...but the groomer prefers puppies who have had more of their shots than Zoey has. Zoey has had only the 1st set. She's due for the next batch and after that then she can have her nails clipped.
Jeff seems to collect Mormon missionaries and has 2 young men here visiting with him this afternoon. They try to teach him their ways but he manages to trip them up and teach them a thing or two every visit. I think these guys have made Jeff their 'project' and wish them all...the 2 Mormons and Jeff...luck.
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